Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/417

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Adjustment of measures impairing objects of agreement. ARTICLE XV 1. The advantages now ac- corded or which may hereafter be accorded by the United States of America or the Republic of Para- guay to adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic, and advantages accorded by virtue of a customs union to which either country may become a party, shall the Agreement, and to consider such other matters as may be sub- mitted to it by the two Govern- ments. 2. If the Government of the United States of America or the Government of the Republic of Paraguay should consider that any measure adopted by the other Government, even though it does not conflict with the terms of this Agreement, has the effect of nulli- fying or impairing any object of the Agreement, such other Gov- ernment shall give sympathetic consideration to such written rep- resentations or proposals as may be made with a view to effecting a mutually satisfactory adjustment of the matter. ARTICLE XIV 1. The provisions of this Agree- ment relating to the treatment to be accorded by the United States of America and the Republic of Paraguay, respectively, to the com- merce of the other country shall apply to the respective customs territories of the two countries. 2. Furthermore, the provisions of this Agreement relating to most- favored-nation treatment shall ap- ply to all territory under the sovereignty or authority of the United States of America or the Republic of Paraguay, except that they shall not apply to the Panama Canal Zone. ARTICULO XV 1. Las ventajas concedidas en la actualidad o que en adelante sean concedidas por los Estados Unidos de America o por la Repd- blica del Paraguay a los paises limitrofes con objeto de facilitar el trafico de frontera, y las ven- tajas concedidas en virtud de una uni6n aduanera en la cual cual- del Convenio y considere las otras cuestiones que le sean sometidas por los dos Gobiernos. 2. Si el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America o el Gobierno de la Repfiblica del Paraguay con- sidera que cualquier medida adop- tada por el otro Gobierno, aun- que no est6 en conflicto con los terminos de este Convenio, tiene el efecto de anular o menoscabar cualquier finalidad del Convenio, dicho otro Gobierno prestara be- nevola consideraci6n a las repre- sentaciones o proposiciones escri- tas que le puedan ser presentadas con el fin de lograr un arreglo mutuo y satisfactorio sobre el asunto. ARTICULO XIV 1. Las disposiciones de este Convenio relativas al tratamiento que han de conceder los Estados Unidos de Am6rica y la Repfiblica del Paraguay, respectivamente, al comercio del otro pais, se aplica- ran a los territories aduaneros respectivos de los dos paises. 2. Ademas, las disposiciones de este Convenio relativas al tra- tamiento de la naci6n mas favore- cida se aplicaran a todo el terri- torio bajo la soberania o autoridad de los Estados Unidos de Ameri- ca o la Repfblica del Paraguay, pero no se aplicaran a la Zona del Canal de Panama. Application of agreement to respec- tive customs terri- tories. Nonapplicatlon to Panama Canal Zone. Advantages ac- corded to adjacent countries, etc. 2702