Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/60

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Janary 3, 18 , March Agreement between the United States of America and Brazil extending 21, May 2, June 8, August 10, september the agreement of May 7, 1942, respecting a naval mission. Effected T. 7.A. . 1559] by exchanges of notes signed at Washington January 3 and 18, March 21, May 2, June 8, August 10, and September 17, 1946; effective from May 7, 1946. The Brazilian Ambassador to the Secretary of State EMBAIXADA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL No 1/530.1 (22) Washington, em 3 de janeiro de 1946. SENHOR SECRETARIO DE ESTADO, Devendo terminar em 7 de Maio de 1946 o contrato da Missdo Naval dos Estados Unidos no Brasil, solicito de Vossa Excelencia o obs6quio de suas providencias, junto As autoridades competentes, afim de que o referido contrato seja prorrogado pelo prazo de mais quatro anos. Aproveito a oportunidade para renovar a Vossa Excelbncia os protestos da minha mais alta consideragao. CARLOS MARTINS PEREIRA E SOUSA A Sua ExcelAncia o Senhor JAMES F. BYRNES, Secretdrio de Estado dos Estados Unidos da America. Translation EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL No. 1/30.1 (22) Washington, January S, 1946. MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: In as much as the Agreement for the United States Naval Mission in Brazil is due to expire May 7, 1946, I respectfully request Your Excellency to use your good offices with the proper authorities to the end that the said Agreement may be extended for a period of four more years. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. CARLOS MARTINS PEREIRA E SOUSA His Excellency JAMES F. BYRNES, Secretary of State of the United States of America. 2338