Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/614

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2902 Colombian accept- ance of supplementary agreement. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. partes el contenido del convenio adicional adjunto, y aprovecha la oprotunidad para significar por su digno conducto, al Instituto de Relaciones Interamericanas y al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, las mas expresivas gracias por la contribuci6n que vienen prestando a nuestro pais en el desarrollo de campaflas sanitarias de gran significaci6n para el pueblo colombiano. Del sefior General muy atentamente, JORGE ELIECER GAITAN Ministro Translation REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA MINISTRY OF LABOR, HYGIENE, AND SOCIAL WELFARE NUMBER: 02310 BOGOTA, January 29, 1944. General GEORGE C. DUNHAM, Executive Vice President of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, At His Office I am replying to your courteous note of January 27, in which, repre- senting the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, you proposed to this Ministry a draft agreement supplementing our present cooperative health and sanitation program which is being carried out in Colombia through the Inter-American Cooperative Public Health Service. Duly authorized by His Excellency the President of the Republic and by the Minister of Foreign Relations, I have the honor to inform you that this Ministry accepts in its entirety the content of the annexed supplementary agreement, and avails itself of the opportunity to express, through your good offices, to the Institute of Inter-Amer- ican Affairs and to the Government of the United States of America its most sincere thanks for the contribution which they are making to our country in the development of sanitary programs of great importance to the Colombian people. Respectfully yours, JORGE ELIECER GAITAN Minister