Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/872

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-GERMAN REPARATION-JAN. 14, 1946 ARTICLE 2. Reglement des creances sur l'Allemagne. A. Les Gouvernements signa- taires conviennent entre eux que leurs quotes-parts respectives de reparations, telles qu'elles sont fixees par le present Accord, doi- vent etre consid6r6es par chacun d'eux comme couvrant toutes ses cr6ances et celles de ses ressortis- sants sur l'ancien Gouvernement allemand et les Agences gouverne- mentales allemandes, cr6ances qui ne font pas express6ment l'objet d'autres dispositions, cr6ances de caract6re public ou priv6, issues de la guerre, y compris le coft de l'occupation allemande, les avoirs en compte de clearing acquis pendant l'occupation et les cr6an- ces sur les Reichskreditkassen. B. Les dispositions du para- graphe A ci-dessus ne pr6jugent pas: (i) La determination, en temps utile, des formes, de la duree ou du montant total des reparations A effectuer par l'Allemagne; (ii) Le droit que chacun des Gouvernements signataires peut avoir en ce qui concerne le regle- ment d6finitif des r6parations alle- mandes; (iii) Toutes revendications d'or- dre politique, territorial ou autre, qu'un Gouvernement signataire pourra presenter a propos du regle- ment de la Paix avec l'Allemagne. C. Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe A ci-dessus, le present Accord doit etre consid6re comme n'affectant pas: (i) L'obligation qui incombe aux Autorites allemandes competentes d'assurer ulterieurement le paye- ment des dettes de l'Allemagne et de ses ressortissants, resultant de ARTICLE 2. Settlement of Claims against Germany. A. The Signatory Governments agree among themselves that their respective shares of reparation, as determined by the present Agree- ment, shall be regarded by each of them as covering all its claims and those of its nationals against the former German Government and its Agencies, of a governmental or private nature, arising out of the war (which are not otherwise pro- vided for), including costs of Ger- man occupation, credits acquired during occupation on clearing ac- counts and claims against the Reichskreditkassen. B. The provisions of paragraph A above are without prejudice to: (i) the determination at the proper time of the forms, duration or total amount of reparation to be made by Germany; (ii) the right which each Sig- natory Government may have with respect to the final settlement of German reparation; and (iii) any political, territorial or other demands which any Signa- tory Government may put forward with respect to the peace settle- ment with Germany. C. Notwithstanding anything in the provisions of paragraph A above, the present Agreement shall no be considered as affecting: (i) the obligation of the appro- priate authorities in Germany to secure at a future date the dis- charge of claims against Germany and German nationals arising out Claims, etc., not affected. 3163