Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/969

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61 STAT.] ECUADOR-COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-JAN . 22 , 1945 5. In the name of the Ecuadoran Government, I wish to express to Your Excellency the satisfaction with which the intention of the North American Government to cooperate in this country's educa- tional endeavors is regarded, and I thank Your Excellency for the timely and effective steps taken to bring to fruition that aspiration on the part of Ecuador. 6. The Ministry of Education will, in due time, proceed to establish the Organization with administrative autonomy which, within the framework of the Agreement, will take charge of the Scientific and effective development of the program agreed upon. 7. For my part, in giving my approval to the general basis on which the Cooperative Educational Agreement is to be effected, I must inform Your Excellency that I will not fail to make every possible effort tending toward the success of the program, and to the end that this test of cooperation may become a new factor for a better understanding between our two countries. 8. With respect to the possibility that certain privileges and exemp- tions specified in the note to which I am replying may be granted to North American officials, I do not believe it possible to make a definite statement at this time; for a careful study of Ecuadoran legislation will have to be made in order to determine how to reconcile the grant- ing of such privileges with the pertinent legal provisions. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. C. PONCE ENRfQUEZ. His Excellency MR. ROBERT McGREGOR SCOTTEN Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. Contract Between the President of the Inter-American E1iducational Foundation, Inc., and the Ecuadoran Alinister of Public Education The REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR (hereinafter called the "Republic"); and the INTER-AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC., a cor- poration of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs and an agency of the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Foundation"), have decided to enter into the following contract to undertake a cooperative educational program to promote Inter-American understanding by bringing about a better in- terchange of educators, educational ideas and methods between Ecua- dor and the United States, pursuant to Resolution 28 adopted by the First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the Amer- ican Republics held in Panama in September and October 1943. 3261