Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/970

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. 1. The said cooperative educational program shall include: a. Furnishing by the Foundation of a small Field Staff of educa- tional specialists for service in Ecuador in carrying out the coopera- tive educational program; b. Grants to permit Ecuadoran educators to go to the United States for specialized training, to lecture, to teach and to inter- change ideas and experience with United States educators; c. Exploration and survey in Ecuador of local needs, and re- sources for carrying out educational projects at the primary and secondary school levels and in teacher education; d. Development, adaptation, and exchange of suitable teaching materials for teachers at the primary, secondary and teacher educa- tion levels; e. Local projects needed to implement the program in Ecuador. The cooperative program of education shall be limited to relatively few projects, each of which is of special interest to the Government of Ecuador, in order that definite results may be obtained and that such results will be indicative of the cooperation existing between the Government of Ecuador and the Government of the United States in the important field of public education. The Ministry of Education considers the solution of the following problems as being particularly important: a. The training of school administrators (school directors, school inspectors, provincial directors of education, etc.) b. The orientation of technical and vocational schools, both urban and rural, at the secondary level. c. Orientation of schools of teacher education. d. Orientation of preschool education. Field taf. 2. The Field Staff shall be under the direction of an official who shall have the title of "Special Representative, Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc.", and who shall be the representative of the Foundation (a corporation having juridic personality) in con- nection with the program to be undertaken in accordance with this agreement. The Special Representative and other members of the Field Staff shall be acceptable to the Minister of Public Education (hereinafter called the "Minister"). servilo. 3. There shall be created in the Ministry of Public Education a special technical service which shall have the name of "Servicio Cooperative Interamericano de Educaci6n" (hereinafter called the "Servicio"), which shall act as an intermediary between the Govern- ment of Ecuador and the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Director. Inc., and which shall carry out the cooperative program. The Special Representative of the Foundation shall be named as Director of the Servicio. Proects. 4. The program shall consist of individual projects. The kind of work and the specific projects to be undertaken in the execution of this agreement and the allocation of funds therefor shall be agreed upon in writing by the Minister of Public Education and the Special 3262