Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/111

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3454 Notice of termina- tion. Authentic lan- guages. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. (d) When the procedure for a consultation provided for in para- graph (b) of the present Article has been initiated, either Contracting Party may at any time give notice to the other of its desire to ter- minate this Agreement. Such notice shall be simultaneously com- municated to the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organisa- tion, or its successor. This Agreement shall terminate one year after the date of receipt of the notice to terminate by the other Contracting Party unless the notice is withdrawn by agreement before the expiration of this period. In the absence of acknowledgment of receipt by the other Contracting Party, notice shall be deemed to have been received fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization or its successor. DONE at Paris , 1946, [l ] in duplicate in the English and French languages, each of which shall be of equal authenticity. For the Government of the United For the Provisional Government States of America of the French Republic JEFFERSON CAFFERY JULES MOCH L. WELCH POGUE G BIDAULT GEORGE P. BAKER I [By an exchange of notes dated Feb. 19 and Mar. 10, 1947, between the Ameri- can Embassy at Paris and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs it was agreed that the date of signature was omitted inadvertently and that this passage should read "DONE at Paris March 27, 1946,".]