Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/164

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-POSTAL UNION-SEPT. 25, 1946 ARTICLE 6 Small packets 1. In the optional service of small packets mentioned in Article 4 of this Convention, no article may weigh more than one kilogram, or contain objects whose mercantile value at the place where they are mailed exceeds the value of 10 gold francs or the equivalent thereof in money of the country of origin. 2. Administrations which execute the service of small packets regulated by the Universal Convention will not be obliged to observe, in their reciprocal relations, any provision in conflict with the respec- tive stipulations of said Convention. 3. Small packets of any kind exchanged between countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, in view of the fact that they are not liable to payment of transit charges, will be prepaid at the rates adopted in each country for parcels in its domestic service, or the Administrations may apply to such small packets the rates pre- scribed by the Universal Postal Convention. 4. The Administrations of destination may submit small packets to customs handling in accordance with the provisions of their domestic legislation. 5. The Administrations of the countries of destination may collect from the addressees of small packets: a) A fee of 40 centimes of a gold franc at most for the opera- tions, formalities and handling involved in customs clearance; b) A fee which will not exceed 15 centimes of a gold franc for the delivery of each packet; that fee will be increased to 30 centimes of a gold franc at most in case of delivery at the addressee's residence. 6. When small packets are considered by the customs of the country of destination as exempt from payment of customs duties, the delivery fees provided for in paragraph (b) of Section 5 of this Article will not be applicable. ARTICLE 7 Reply coupons 1. Under the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, the selling- price to the public of reply coupons shall be fixed by the interested Administration, but may not be lower than the equivalent of 15 centimes of a gold franc in the money of the country which issues them. 2. Each coupon is exchangeable, in any of the countries which form the Union, for a stamp or stamps representing the postage on an ordinary letter originating in the same country destined for another country of the Union. The period of validity of the coupon is unlimited. 3. Reply coupons will be printed by the International Office of Montevideo and will be furnished to the Administrations of the Union at cost. 4. In the settlement of accounts among the Administrations the value of the reply coupons will be calculated at the rate of 15 cen- times of a gold franc per unit. 3507 Weight, etc. Rates. 54 Stat. 2049. Customs handling. Collection of fees. Nonapplicability of delivery fees. Selling price, etc.