Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/165

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3508 54 Stat. 2049, 2105. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. 5. When the annual balance in the relations between two Adminis- trations is not more than 10 gold francs, the debtor Administration will be exempt from any payment. 6. Administrations will be allowed to refuse to sell reply coupons, although their exchange is obligatory. 7. When the settlement of accounts arising from the exchange of Americo-Spanish reply coupons is not effected directly between the Administrations concerned, the International Office of Montevideo will act as intermediary. In this case, it will make up an annual statement of debtor and creditor Administrations, in accordance with the respective provisions of the Universal Postal Union. ARTICLE 8 Return, reforwarding or change of address The provisions of the Convention of the Universal Postal Union and its Regulations of Execution relative to the requests for return or change of address and reforwarding will govern in the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain; such requests, however, will be deemed out of order after the Administration of destination has sent the articles to the jurisdiction of the Customs. ARTICLE 9 Registered correspondence Responsibility Fee. 1. The articles designated in Article 4 may be sent under registra- tion upon payment of a fee equal to that established in the domestic service of the country of origin, except when the domestic fee is 54 stat. 049 . higher than that applicable under the Universal Postal Convention, in which case the latter will govern. Loss oarticles. 2. Save in cases offorce majeure, the contracting Administrations will be responsible for the loss of every registered article. The sender will be entitled to an indemnity which may in no case exceed ten gold francs or the equivalent thereof in money of the country which must pay it, being able, however, to request a smaller indemnity. 3. Administrations will be relieved of responsibility for loss of registered articles whose contents fall under the prohibitions of the Universal Postal Convention, or which are prohibited by the laws and regulations of the country of origin or of destination, provided that said countries have given due notice by the usual means. Reghiters idthot 4. There is maintained, as optional, a special category of registers without right to indemnity, applicable to the articles of correspondence referred to in Section 3 of Article 4 of this Convention. The Admin- istrations which put this service into effect are obliged to communicate the fact to the International Office by the most rapid means, so that it may circularize the information among the other countries. Articles to which a reduced registry is applicable will be endorsed on the reverse side with the letters "S. I ." (without indemnity) and a similar nota- tion will be made in the descriptive lists, in the "Observations" column, as well as on inquiries made in order to determine the where- abouts of the matter.