Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/172

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-POSTAL UNION-SEPT. 25, 1946 meetings of Congresses or Conferences, will be shared by the Ad- ministrations of said countries in accordance with the groups estab- lished in Article 110 of the Regulations of Execution. The expenses in connection with the holding of such Congresses and Conferences will be fixed on each occasion by the Director Gen- eral of Posts of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, by agreement with the International Office of Montevideo. 5. The Administration of Posts of Uruguay will supervise the expenses of the International Office of the Postal Union of the Ameri- cas and Spain, and will make the advances which it requires. 6. The amounts advanced by the Administration of Uruguay in accordance with the foregoing Section will be repaid by the debtor Administrations as soon as possible, and at the latest before six months from the date on which the country concerned receives the account formulated by the Director General of Posts of Uruguay. After that date, the amounts due will bear interest at the rate of 5% a year, counting from the date of expiration of the said period. 7. The contracting countries are bound to include in their budgets an annual amount destined to take care promptly of the payment of their contributive quotas. 3515 Post, p . 3521. Repayment of ad- vances. Contributive quotas. ARTICLE 22 Congresses 1. The Congresses will meet not later than two years after the Meetings. holding of each Universal Postal Congress. Nevertheless if the inter- val between the latter should exceed five years, the Administrations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain may come to agree- ment, through the intermediary of the International Office of Monte- video and by unanimity of votes, on an eventual meeting. 2. Each Congress will fix the place in which the next one shall convene. ARTICLE 23 Resolutions of the Congress The contracting powers will inform the International Office of Montevideo, three months in advance of the meeting of each Con- gress, of the measures it has taken to put into effect the resolutions and recommendations of each last Congress. ARTICLE 24 Propositions in the interval between meetings The present Convention may be modified in the interval between Congresses, following the procedure established in the Universal Postal Convention in force. In order to become effective, modifica- tions must obtain unanimity of votes for the present Article and Articles1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,13,16,19,20,21,22,24,25,27,28, 29 and 30; two-thirds of the votes for Articles 14 and 23; and a simple majority for the rest.