Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/173

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3516 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. ARTICLE 25 Modifications and amendments Effectivedate. Modifications or resolutions adopted by the High Contracting Parties, even those of a domestic order, which affect the international service, will become effective three months after the date of the rela- tive notice of the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain. ARTICLE 26 Application of the Universal Postal Convention and domestic legislation 1. All matters in connection with the exchange of correspondence among the contracting countries which are not provided for in this Convention, will be subject to the stipulations of the Universal Postal 4 Stat. 2049 . Convention and its Regulations. In turn, those which are not covered by these last two will form the subject of special agreements between the Administrations concerned. 2. Likewise, the domestic legislation of the said countries will apply to everything which has not been provided for in either Convention. ARTICLE 27 Propositions for Universal Congresses All the countries forming the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will advise one another, through the intermediary of the Inter- national Office of Montevideo, of the propositions which they formu- late for Universal Postal Congresses, six months in advance of the date on which they are to be held. ARTICLE 28 Unity of action in Universal Postal Congresses The countries signatory to the Americo-Spanish Postal Convention which have ratified the same or put it into force administratively obligate themselves to instruct their delegates to Universal Postal Congresses to sustain unanimously and firmly, all principles estab- lished in the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, and also to vote in accordance with these postulates, except only in cases where the propositions to be debated affect only the countries proposing them. ARTICLE 29 Preliminary Conferences 1. In view of the preceding Article, the Delegates of the countries composing the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, prior to Universal Postal Congresses, shall assemble in the city designated as the seat of the Congress fifteen days before the date of inauguration thereof, in order to hold a preliminary conference, at which the pro- cedure of joint action to be followed will be determined.