Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/192

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERA-PARCEL POST SERVICE-SEPT. 25 , 1946 ARTICLE 4 Postage rates and payments 1. The postage on parcels exchanged under this Agreement is com- posed only of the sum of the territorial rates of origin, transit and destination. If necessary, the maritime rates provided for by the Parcel Post Agreement of the Universal Postal Union in force will be added. 2. The territorial charges of origin, transit and destination are fixed for each country in gold francs or their equivalent, as follows: 25 centimes for parcels up to 1 kilogram; 40 centimes for parcels from 1 to 3 kilograms; 50 centimes for parcels from 3 to 5 kilograms; 100 centimes for parcels from 5 to 10 kilograms; 150 centimes for parcels from 10 to 15 kilograms; 200 centimes for parcels from 15 to 20 kilograms. 3. The Administrations of origin and destination will have the option of increasing the rates applicable to parcels of 1, 3, 5 and 10 kilograms up to double their amount, as well as applying a surcharge of 25 centimes to each parcel of these weight limits. The rates of departure and arrival applying to parcels of 15 and 20 kilograms will be fixed at the discretion of each Administration. 4. Administrations which, in the Universal service, are specially authorized to increase the rates set forth in the two preceding Sections, may also make use of such authorization in the Americo-Spanish service. 5. The Administration of origin will credit each of the Administra- tions taking part in the transportation, including that of destination, with the corresponding charges, in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing Sections. 6. The International Office will publish and distribute the table of land transit rates and those of departure and arrival payable to each Administration, keeping it up to date by means of supplements. ARTICLE 5 Cancelation of balances under 50 gold francs When in the settlement of the parcel post service between two countries the annual balance does not exceed 50 gold francs, the debtor Administration will be exempt from any payment, provided that agreement to such effect has been reached with the creditor Administration. ARTICLE 6 Customs clearance, delivery, storage and other charges 1. The Administrations of destination may collect from the ad- dressees of parcels: (a) A fee of 50 centimes of a gold franc or the equivalent thereof, as a maximum, for the operations, formalities and transac- tions in connection with customs handling. 3535 Postage on parcels. Territorial charges. Option of increasing rates. Rates of departure and arrival. Credits. Table of rates. Fees.