Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/193

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3536 Storage charge. 54 Stat. 209. Exemption from de- livery fees. 54 Stat. 20D6. Collect-on -delivery perolb, eto. oss of parcels, etc. Indemnity. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. (b) A fee similar to that established for its domestic service up to a maximum of 40 centimes of a gold franc, or its equivalent, for the transmission and delivery of each parcel to the address of the addressee. When parcels are not delivered at the address of the addressee, the latter shall be advised of their arrival. The Administrations whose domestic regulations require it, will collect a special fee for the delivery of such notice, which may not exceed the postage for a single weight unit of an ordinary letter in the domestic service. (c) A daily storage charge not exceeding that fixed by the domestic legislation of each country, from the time prescribed therein, provided that the total to be collected may in no case exceed five gold francs or the equivalent thereof. (d) The customs duties and all other non-postal charges which their domestic legislation establishes. (e) The amount corresponding to the consular fee, when it has not been prepaid by the sender. (f) The repacking fee of 30 centimes of a gold franc at most, provided for in the corresponding Agreement of the Universal Postal Convention. This fee will be collected from the addressee or from the sender, according to the circumstances. 2. Parcels addressed to members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps mentioned in Article 13 of the Convention will be exempt from the payment of delivery fees, except those addressed to the latter when they contain articles liable to payment of customs duties. ARTICLE 7 Prohibition against other charges The parcels of which the present Agreement treats may not be subjected to any other postal charges than those established in the foregoing Articles. However, Administrations which agree among themselves on the admission of collect-on -delivery or insured parcels, will be authorized to collect the charges relative to these classes of articles. ARTIoCL 8 Responsibility 1. The Administrations will be responsible for loss, rifling or damage of ordinary or registered parcels. The sender will be entitled, on that account, to an indemnity equivalent to the actual amount of loss, rifling or damage. This in- demnity may not exceed: 10 gold francs for each parcel up to 1 kilogram; 15 gold francs for each parcel from 1 to 3 kilograms; 25 gold francs for each parcel from 3 to 5 kilograms; 40 gold francs for each parcel from 5 to 10 kilograms; 55 gold francs for each parcel from 10 to 15 kilograms; 70 gold francs for each parcel from 15 to 20 kilograms.