Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/221

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-EXCHANGE OF MONEY ORDERS-SEPT. 25 , 1946 ment among the Administrations involved and subject to the afore- mentioned rules, to a different country that the latter, in its turn, may reforward them to their destination by the route which seems most practical for their delivery. ARTICLE 4 Telegraphic money orders The provisions of this Agreement will be extended to telegraphic money order service between the countries which agree to provide it. To this end they will adopt, by agreement among themselves, regula- tions to govern the service. ARTICLE 5 Maximum amount of money orders The Administrations of the countries which agree to provide this service will come to an agreement to fix the maximum amount of the money orders exchanged among them, but this amount may not be less than 300 gold francs or its equivalent in the respective currencies. Nevertheless, money orders relating to the postal services and which are issued free of charge as provided in Article 9, may exceed the limits fixed by any Administration. ARTICLE 6 Rates and commission fees 1. The remitter of every money order issued in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement must pay the fee fixed by the Administration of origin, in accordance with its regulations and the scales adopted and promulgated for its domestic service. 2. When money orders are sent by air mail or special delivery, Special ntes etc. the Administrations may collect the special rates and the established air mail surtaxes, which must not exceed those in effect for letters. ARTICLE 7 Endorsements The contracting powers are authorized to permit, in their terri- tories and in accordance with their domestic legislation, the endorse- ment of money orders originating in any country. ARTICLE 8 Responsibility The Administrations will be responsible to the remitters for the amounts which these deposit for conversion into money orders, until they have been paid to the payees or endorsees. ARTICLE 9 Exemption from charges Orders relating to the service exchanged between Administrations or between the post offices of any Administration, as well as those 95247°-50 --PT . Iv-15 3565