Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/222

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THlAN TREATIES [61 STAT. sent to the International Office of Montevideo, and vice-versa, will be exempt from all charges. ARTICLE 10 Period of validity of orders 1. In the absence of agreement to the contrary, every money order will be payable in the country of destination for a period of twelve months after issue. ioney orders not 2. The amount of the money orders which have not been paid with- in the period stipulated above will be credited to the Administration of origin, to which country there shall be sent for the purpose a form Ane, p . 3W0. D with the detailed listing of such orders so that it can proceed in accordance with its regulations. ARTICLE 11 Change of address and repayment of order Request. 1. When the remitter desires to correct an error in the address of the beneficiary or seeks repayment of a money order, he must make his request to the Administration of the country which issued the money order. Authorization. 2. In general, no money order will be repaid without authorization of the Central Administration of the paying country. This authoriza- tion will be granted in a separate communication addressed to the Administration of origin and the total amount of the money orders whose reimbursement is allowed will be added to the next account to be made up. ARTICLE 12 Advice of payment 1. The remitter of a money order may obtain a notice of payment for a fee equal to that collected by the Administration of origin for a return receipt for a registered letter. The fee will be retained by the Administration of origin. 2. The Administration of destination will issue the receipt on a AWe, p. 363. printed form like model F and will send it directly to the interested party or to the Administration of origin for delivery to him. ARTICLE 13 Reissuance 1. At the request of the remitter or payee of an order, it may be reforwarded to another country, whenever an exchange of money orders exists with the new country of destination Deductions. 2. The reissuing Administration will have the right to deduct from the amount of the order the fees due for the issuance of a new money order in accordance with Article 6. 3. In case of reissuance, the order will be considered as having been paid by the reissuing Administrations, which will include it in the account for that purpose, adding the word "Reissued". 3566