Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/37

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61 STAT.] CHINA-RELIEF ASSISTANCE-OCT. 27, 1947 ARTICLE VII. Reports, Statistics and Information (a) The Chinese Government will maintain adequate statistical and other records on relief and will consult with the United States repre- sentatives, upon their request, with regard to the maintenance of such records. (b) The Chinese Government will furnish promptly upon request of the United States representatives available information concerning the production, use, distribution, importation, and exportation of any supplies which affect the relief needs of the people. (c) In case United States representatives report apparent abuses or violations of this Agreement, the Chinese Government will inves- tigate and report and promptly take such remedial action as is nec- essary to correct such abuses or violations as are found to exist. ARTICLE VIII. Publicity Regarding United States Assistance (a) The Chinese Government will permit and arrange full and continuous publicity regarding the purpose, source, character, scope, amounts and progress of the United States relief program in China, including the utilization of funds accruing from sales of United States relief supplies for the benefit of the people. (b) All United States relief supplies and any articles processed from such supplies, or containers of such supplies or articles, shall, to the extent practicable, be marked, stamped, branded, or labelled in a conspicuous place in such a manner as to indicate to the ultimate con- sumer that such supplies or articles have been furnished by the United States of America for relief assistance; or if such supplies, articles or containers are incapable of being so marked, stamped, branded, or labelled, all practicable steps will be taken by the Chinese Government to inform the ultimate consumer thereof that such supplies or articles have been furnished by the United States for relief assistance. ARTICLE IX. Termination of Relief Assistance The United States Government will terminate any or all of its relief assistance at any time whenever it determines (1) by reason of changed conditions, the provision of relief assistance of the character authorized by Public Law 84, 80th Congress, May 31, 1947, is no longer necessary; (2) any provisions of this Agreement are not being carried out; (3) United States relief supplies, or an excessive amount of similar supplies produced locally or imported from outside sources, are being used to assist in the maintenance of armed forces in China; or (4) United States relief supplies or similar supplies produced locally or imported from outside sources, are being exported or re- moved from China. The United States Government may stop or Abuses or violations of agreement. Marking, etc., of re- lief supplies. Termination by U.S. 61 Stat., Pt.l , p. 125. 3379