Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/545

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61 STAT.] SWEDEN-AIR SERVICE FACILITIES-SEPT. 30 , 1946 3893 Agreement between the United States of America and Sweden respecting September 30, 1946 air service facilities in Sweden. Signed at Stockholm September S0, T '. I.A .- 1 742] 194.6; entered into force September 30, 1946. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES SERVICE AGREEMENT The Swedish Government agrees: 1) to operate and maintain all facilities continuously in a manner adequate for the air traffic operating into and away from the airdrome at which the facilities are located and along the recognized inter- national air routes converging on that airdrome and in order to insure this standard of service, the Swedish Government agrees to abide by approved Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (PICAo) standards of operation unless and until changed by other international agreement to which the United States and Sweden are parties; 2) to provide the full service of all facilities to all aircraft on a non-discriminatory basis with charges, if any, only for non-operational messages until an international agreement on charges has been pro- mulgated by the PICAO; 3) to transmit weather reports according to PICAO standards to such stations as are required to insure an integrated meteorological network for the international air routes unless and until changed by international agreement to which the United States and Sweden are a party covering all meteorological requirements; 4) to continue the operation of all types of facilities in their original location until new facilties are installed in accordance with standards promulgated by the PICAo, or until it is determined by the Swedish Government and the United States Government that there is no longer a need for the original facilities, it being understood that the aero- nautical communication service facilities will be devoted exclusively to that service and will not be diverted to the general communication service; 5) to provide English-speaking operators at air to ground and con- trol tower communication positions until regulations covering such voice transmissions are promulgated by the PIoAo; 6) to select radio frequencies for air to ground and control tower operations only in accordance with PICAO standards and recommenda- tions after coordination with the using United States carriers and with adjacent stations on the recognized international air routes con- verging on the airdrome in order to minimize (a) radio interference and (b) the number frequencies to be operated by aircraft;