Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/592

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3940 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The Netherlands Ambassador to the Secretary of State NETHERLANDS EMBASSY WASHINGTON 9, D. C . HA-5336 MAY 28, 1947 SIm: I have the honor to refer to the Agreement for the settlement of lend-lease and other war accounts signed concurrently herewith by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which comprises the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Indies and the Territories Ante, p. 3I. of Surinam and Curacao, and by the United States Government, and have the honor to confirm that the terms of that Agreement have received the concurrence of the Government of the Netherlands Indies, and of the Territorial Governments of Curacao and Surinam, in so far as these terms relate to these Governments by implication or by direct reference in the text. With particular reference to paragraph 3, sub-paragraphs F and An, p. 327. G, of the Agreement, I am authorized to confirm that the intergov- ernmental waiver of claims (with the exceptions thereto) is under- stood to apply as well to obligations and claims between your Gov- ernment and the Government of the Netherlands Indies, and the Ter- ritorial Governments of Surinam and Curagao, respectively. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. A. LouDON Ambassador of the Netherlands The Honorable GEORGE C. MARSHALL, Secretary of State. The Secretary of State to the Netherlands Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON May 28, 1947 EXCELLENCT: I have the honor to refer to your note to me of today in which you refer to the Agreement signed concurrently herewith by the Govern- ment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and by the United States An, p. 392. Government for the settlement of lend-lease and other war accounts. I note your confirmation that the terms of the Agreement have re- ceived the concurrence of the Government of the Netherlands Indies, and of the Territorial Governments of Surinam and Curacao, in so far as these terms relate to these Governments by implication or by direct reference in the text. With particular reference to paragraph 3, sub-paragraphs F and A7. r .39. G, of the Agreement, I am glad to confirm that my Government shares