Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/593

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61 STr A.] IMUILTILA.TIRAL .-M -UTU-AL AID SETTLEMENT--MAY 28, 1947 the understanding that the intergovernmental waiver of claims (with the exceptions thereto) applies as well to obligations and claims between my Government and the Government of the Netherlands Indies. and the Territorial Governments of Surinalm and Curacao, respectively. Accept. Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. G C MARSHALL His Excellency Dr. A . LOnDON, Ambassador of the Netherlands. The Netherlands Ambassador to the Secretary of State NETHERLANDS EMBASSY WASHINGTON 9, D . C . HA-5337 MAY 28, 1947 MY DEAR MR. SECRETARY: In accordance with arrangements made in 1945, the Netherlands Government advanced to the United States War Shipping Adminis- tration a total amount of 5,250,000 Netherlands guilders. These guilders were used by the War Shipping Administration to cover ship disbursements and other expenses in the Netherlands both before and after VJ-Day up to November, 1946. The Netherlands Government has agreed that the principle of re- ciprocal aid shall be applied to the period up to November 1, 1945 (VJ-Day + 60) and in the course of the negotiations between repre- sentatives of our Governments on the over-all settlement of lend-lease, the United States Maritime Commission, as successor to the War Shipping Administration, has stated a figure of 1,393,438 Nether- lands guilders as having been spent during that period, for the type of expenditure eligible for reverse lend-lease under a broad interpre- tation of the general principle of reciprocal aid. It has been agreeable to the Netherlands Government to accept that statement without further proof or investigation. Accordingly the remaining United States obligation is now agreed to be 3,856,562 Netherlands guilders (5,250,000 minus 1,393,438), which will be paid by the United States Maritime Commission to the Netherlands Minis- try of Finance before July 1, 1947. For this repayment the Maritime Commission may first use the Netherlands guilders remaining in the two War Shipping Adminis- tration accounts with the Nederlandsche Bank; the then remaining obligation will be paid in United States dollars computed at the rate of $0.376,953 to the guilder. If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding this letter and your reply to that effect will constitute an agreed interpre- tation of sub-paragraph 3A (6) of today's Agreement between our 3941