Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/87

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61 STAT.] UNITED NATIONS-HEADQUARTERS- JUI 21;, 1947 Nov. 21, 1947 is not disturbed by the unauthor- ized entry of groups of persons from outside or by disturbances in its immediate vicinity and shall cause to be provided on the boundaries of the headquarters district such police protection as is required for these purposes. (b) If so requested by the Secretary-General, the appropriate American authorities shall provide a sufficient number of police for the preservation of law and order in the headquarters district, and for the removal therefrom of persons as requested under the authority of the United Nations. The United Nations shall, if re- quested, enter into arrangements with the appropriate American authorities to reimburse them for the reasonable cost of such services. ARTICLE VII Public Services and Protection of the Headquarters District SECTION 17 (a) The appropriate American authorities will exercise to the extent requested by the Secretary- General the powers which they possess with respect to the supply- ing of public services to ensure that the headquarters district shall be supplied on equitable terms with the necessary public services, in- cluding electricity, water, gas, post, telephone, telegraph, trans- portation, drainage, collection of refuse, fire protection, snow re- moval, et cetera. In case of any interruption or threatened inter- ruption of any such services, the appropriate American authorities will consider the needs of the United Nations as being of equal tratif ne soit troubl6e par l'entree non autorisee de groupes de per- sonnes, ou par des desordres dans le voisinage imm6diat du district. A cette fin, elles assureront, aux limites du district administratif, toute protection de police neces- saire. b) A la demande du Secr6taire general, les autorites am6ricaines competentes fourniront des forces de police suffisantes pour assurer, a l'interieur du district adminis- tratif, le respect de la loi et de l'ordre public, et pour expulser toute personne, suivant les in- structions donnees sous l'autorit6 de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. L'Organisation des Nations Unies, si les autorites americaines comp6tentes en font la demande, s'entendra avec celles-ci en vue de leur rembourser les d4penses rai- sonnables occasionn6es par ces services. ARTICLE VII Services publics et protection du district administratif SECTION 17 a) Les autorites am6ricaines comp6tentes feront usage, dans la mesure oI le Secretaire g6enral Ic demandera, des pouvoirs dont elles disposent a cet 6gard, pour assurer la fourniture au district administratif, a des conditions 6quitables, des services publics necessaires, y compris l'electricite, l'eau, le gaz, les services postaux, telephoniques, t6elgraphiques, les transports, l'evacuation des eaux, l'enlevement des ordures, les ser- vices d'incendie, l'enlevement de la neige, etc. Dans le cas d'une in- terruption ou d'une menace d'in- terruption de l'un quelconque de ces services, les autorit6s ameri- caines compdtentes consid6reront 3429 Reimbursement. Interruption of serv- ices.