Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/88

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAr. importance with the similar needs of essential agencies of the Govern- ment of the United States, and will take steps accordingly, to ensure that the work of the United Nations is not prejudiced. (b) Special provisions with ref- erence to maintenance of utilities and underground construction are 'o, p. 33a contained in Annex 2. SECTION 18 The appropriate American au- thorities shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the amenities of the headquarters district are not prejudiced and the purposes for which the district is required are not obstructed by any use made of the land in the vicinity of the district. The United Nations shall on its part take all reasonable steps to ensure that the amenities of the land in the vicinity of the head- quarters district are not prejudiced by any use made of the land in the headquarters district by the United Nations. SECTION 19 It is agreed that no form of racial or religious discrimination shall be permitted within the headquarters district. ARTICLE VIII Matters Relating to the Operation of this Agreement SECTION 20 The Secretary-General and the appropriate American authorities shall settle by agreement the channels through which they will les besoins de l'Organisation des Nations Unies comme 6tant d'une importance 6gale A ceux de meme nature des administrations essen- tielles du Gouvernement des Etats- Unis. En consequence, elles pren- dront les mesures appropri6es pour eviter que les travaux de l'Orga- nisation des Nations Unies ne soient entrav6s. b) Des dispositions sp6ciales re- latives a l'entretien des services d'utilit6 publique et des travaux de constructions souterraines sont pr6vues Al'annexe 2. SECTION 18 Les autorites am6ricaines com- petentes prendront toutes les me- sures raisonnables pour empecher que l'usage qui pourrait etre fait des terrains avoisinant le district administratif ne puisse porter at- teinte aux agrements du district et aux fins auxquelles il est des- tin6. L'Organisation des Nations Unies prendra, de son c6t6, toutes les mesures raisonnables pour empacher que l'usage qui pourrait etre fait par les Nations Unies des terrains situes dans le district administratif ne porte atteinte aux agr6ments des terrains situ6s dans le voisinage du district adminis- tratif. SECTION 19 II est entendu qu'aucune sorte de discrimination de race ou de religion ne sera toleree dans le district administratif. ARTICLE VIII Questions relatives a l'application du present accord SECTION 20 Le Secr6taire general et les autorites americaines competentes se mettront d'accord sur les voies par lesquelles se feront les com- 3430 Amenities of dis- trict. Nondiscrimination. Supplemental agree- ments.