Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/913

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61 STAT.] LEBANON-POSTAL MIONEY ORDERS Jan. 21. ct. S, 1946 Mar. 15, 1947 the last year to be executed faithlfulll- and entirely without prejudice to liquidation and pay- ment of accounts after the expira- tion of this time. In witness thereof the under- signed have signed this Conven- tion and have affixed their seals. Done in duplicate and signed at Washington on January 21, 1946 and Beyrouth on .. . .. .. la derniere annee, a &trefidelement et entierement exCcut6es sans prejudice de la liquidation et du payement des comptes apr6s l'ex- piration de ce terme. En foi de quoi les soussignes ont sign8 la Convention et y ont appose leurs sceaux. Fait en double et sign6 a Wash- ington le ...... .

. et a Beyrouth le 15 Mars 1947. ['1 Postster General of the United StY, V/ f 2 ] PoF*t ter 3eneral of the Repubic of l4banon. [Robert E. Hannegan] 2 [J. Nammour] 4263