Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/642

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(il STAT.] (ENERAL AGRltEEMEN' ()ONTARIFFS AND TRADE-OCT. 30,1947 A649 BCHEDULtX - CZECHOSLOVAKIA PART I (Continued) Czechoslovak Tariff Item Number Description of products Yolk and white of egg, liquid, imported under licence by factories for the manufacture of leather, edible artificial fate, preserves of fish or of paste, under supervision and on conditions imposed by regulation .............. Animal wax in a natural state ............................. Horny spongesi sponges fine or common (bath and horse sponges) in a natural state, not worked, not washed; horse sponges washed, further worked, but not bleached, sponges fine or common (bath and horse sponges) in a natural state, not worked, not washed .................................. Skins and hides, raw (green or dry, also salted or limed, but not further worked) ............... Hair of all kinds, crude or worked (i.e. coobed, boiled, dyed or stained, also ourled)l bristles; hair of all kinds, except human hair, crude or worked (i.e. combed, boiled, dyed or stained, also curled); bristles ........................ Bladders and guts, fresh (green), salted (pickled), or diied; gold beater's skins; gut stringes bliders and guts, fresh (green), salted (pickled), or driedl gut strings .............. XI. FATS AND GREASE. dible fatsI Pork and goose fat, raw or rendered (7) Rate of duty rEs per 100 kilograms: free 20.- 50. - free free a4.- on net weight Note to 79b) ex 81 a) ex 82 ex a) 83 ex 84 ex 86 89