Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/643

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. BRnDULn X - CZECHOSLOVACIA PART I (Continued) Osechoulovak Tariff Item Number Description of products Fat for te hnie al pupoes and fatty acids aoid*i Fish, whale and seal oils fish and whale oil ......................... Ja4mal tallow, raw or rendered! pressed tallow ... Tallow vegetable, palm oil, palm kernel and coconut oil, solids tallow vegetable and palm oil ................. palm kernel and coconut oil, solid ............. Wax, vegetable carnauba wax and other vegetable wax not speoially provided fort raw .............. .... ..... .. ... ... ... .. Paraffin not refined, also paraffin scales .............. othor ....................................... Oeresine ........................................ Petroleum jelly and lanoline (refined greae from wool). in caskel petroleum Jelly .............................. Fate and fatty mixturesT not epecially proFvded for .............................................. XII. FATm OILS. Linseed oil, soya been oil, Chinese wood oil and other fatty oils, not specially provided for, in casks, leather bags and bladder, exeot oil varnishees ua11nee Woon 0o.1i, i1nOu% aCaixoIn ........... 2 A6 50 Rate of duty -- R--- Kes per 100 kilograme free 15. - free 6.- 40.- 180,- 220.- 420.- 320.- 20.- ex 91 92 93 a) b) ex 94 ex b) 1. 96 a) b) 98 ex 99 xa) 101 ax 103 20. -