Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1139

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 2n SESS.--CHS. 735, 736-JUNE 29, 1948 "When in the opinion of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, it is necessary to post firemen at, on, and about the licensed premises for the protection of the public safety, in addition to the license fee provided for above, such owners or man- agers shall pay a further monthly permit fee, to be determined monthly by the said Chief Engineer, based upon a reasonable estimate of the number of hours to be spent by firemen at, on, and about the licensed premises, such fee to be payable in advance on the first day of the month for which the permit is sought. The firemen so assigned shall be charged for by the hour at the wage rate of the firemen so assigned in effect on the first day of the month for which the permit is sought." SEC. 2. That paragraph 20 (c) of section 7 of said Act be amended by striking out the period at the end of the paragraph, inserting a colon, and adding the following words: "Provided further, That when, in the opinion of the Major and Superintendent of Police and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, or either of them, it is necessary to post policemen or firemen, or both, at, on, and about the licensed premises for the protection of the public safety, in addition to the license fee provided for above, such owners or managers shall pay a further monthly permit fee, to be determined monthly by the said Major and Superintendent and Chief Engineer, or either of them, based upon a reasonable estimate of the number of hours to be spent by policemen and firemen at, on, and about the licensed premises, this fee to be payable in advance on the first day of the month for which the permit is sought. Policemen and firemen so assigned shall be charged for by the hour at the basic daily wage rate of policemen and firemen so assigned in effect the first day of the month for which the permit is sought." SEC. 3 . That paragraph 23 (a) of section 7 of said Act be amended by adding thereto a new paragraph to read as follows: "When, in the opinion of the Major and Superintendent of Police and Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of the District of Colum- bia, or either of them, it is necessary to post policemen or firemen, or both, at, on, and about the licensed premises for the protection of the public safety, in addition to the license fee provided for above, such owners or managers shall pay a further monthly permit fee to be determined monthly by the said Major and Superintendent and Chief Engineer, or either of them, based upon a reasonable estimate of the number of hours to be spent 'by policemen and firemen, or either of them, at, on, and about tle licensed premises, such fee to be payable in advance on the first day of the month for which the permit is sought. Policemen and firemen so assigned shall be charged for by the hour at the basic hourly wage rate of the policemen and firemen so assigned in effect on the first day of the month for which the permit is sought." Approved June 29, 1948. [CHAPTER 736] AN ACT To amend subsection 602 (f) of the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended, to authorize renewal of level premium term insurance for a second five-year period, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (f) of section 602 of the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: "(f) Such insurance may be issued on the following plans: Five- year level premium term, ordinary life, twenty-payment life, thirty- payment life, twenty-year endowment, endowment at age sixty, and 1109 Fire details at thea- ters. Monthly permit fee. 47 Stat. 553 . D.C.Code§47- 2320 (c). Police and fire de- tails at dances, etc. Monthly permit fee. 47 Stat. 554. D.C.Code§47- 2323 (a). Police and fire de- t:ils at athletic con- tests. Monthly permit fee. June 29, 198 [H. R . 65071 [Public Law 838] National Service ife Insurance Act of 940, amendment. 54 Stat. 1009. 38U.S.C., Supp.I 802 (f). Plans for issuanece.