Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1140

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 736, 737-JUNE 29, 1948 a June 29, 1948 [HI. R . 6627] [Public Law 839] Contributions for operation, etc., of shool facilities. Appropriation au- thorized. Ante, p. 1034. [CHAPTER 737] AN ACT To provide assistance to certain local school agencies overburdened with war- incurred, or postwar national-defense-incurred, enrollments. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Works Administrator is authorized to make, in the same manner as heretofore authorized, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, contributions for the operation and maintenance of school facilities to local school agencies requiring assistance that (a) are still over- burdened with school enrollments caused by war activities and the transition from war to peacetime conditions and have received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, Federal contributions admin- istered by the Federal Works Administrator for the operation and maintenance of their school facilities, or (b) have become over- burdened with defense-incurred school enrollments as the result of the reactivation or expansion of any defense establishment or the operation of any new defense establishment. SEC. 2 . In order to carry out this Act, including administrative expenses therefor, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30,1949, not to exceed the sum of $6,000,000. Approved June 29, 1948. Conversion of level endowment at age sixty-five. Level premium term insurance may be premium term ibecomes or has become due, or exchanged as of the date of the original policy, upon payment of the difference in reserve, at any time while such insurance is in force and within the term period to any of the foregoing permanent plans of insurance, except that conversion to an endowment plan Termination. may not be made while the insured is totally disabled. All level premium term policies, except as provided below, shall cease and Renewal as level terminate at the expiration of the term period: Provided, That at remium term insur- nce. the expiration of the term period any national service life insurance policy which was issued on a five-year level premium term plan before January 1, 1948, and which has not been exchanged or converted to a permanent plan of insurance, may be renewed as level premium term insurance for an additional period of five years at the premium rate for the then attained age without medical examination, provided, the required premiums are tendered prior to the expiration of the first term Total disability. period: Provided fwrther, That in any case in which the insured is shown by evidence satisfactory to the Administrator to be totally dis- abled at the expiration of the level premium term period of his insur- ance under conditions which would entitle him to continued insurance protection but for such expiration, such insurance, if subject to renewal under this provision, shall be automatically renewed for an additional period of five years at the premium rate for the then attained age, unless the insured has elected insurance on some other available plan. Other provisions. Provisions for cash, loan, paid-up, and extended values, dividends from gains and savings refund of unearned premiums, and such other provisions as may be found to be reasonable and practicable may be provided for in the policy of insurance from time to time by regulations promulgated by the Administrator." Approved June 29, 1948. p a [62 STAT.