Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1339

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Army, Department of the-Continued. Page Medals or decorations, unauthorized wearing, sale, etc., penalty-.... 732 Medical and Hospital Department, Army, reduction in appropria- tion--_ _--- __- --- -- --- -- --- -- -__ 229 Medical Department, appropriation for 657 Medical Reserve Corps, funds for pay and allowances of additional offi- cers and nurses------------___ ___ 663 Meetings, funds available for attend- ance at_

--- --- -

._____----- _ 652 Military Academy. See separatetitle. Military functions- Appropriation for---------_ 223, 259, 1041 Reduction in appropriation _---- --_ _ 229 Utilization of Army employees en- gaged in; pay-----------------_ 666 Military Functions Appropriation Act_ 647 General provisions, applicability to appropriation for government and relief in occupied areas-_ -- 1057 Mount, no additional pay to officer owning--- --------------------- 651 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, transfer of aircraft, parts, and supplies to ----- _--- --___- -- _ 188 National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice, appropriation for -__- -- _ 665 National Defense Act, Amendments. See separate title. National Guard. See separate title. National Park Service, transfers of surplus property to, authority---- 1142 National War College, appropriation for ---------- _-_ _- --- .- - . 650 Navigation aids, establishment, mainte- nance, and operation, authority of Coast Guard-______--______ 1050 Navy, Department of the, reimburse- ment for pay and allowances for dental officers on detail to Depart- ment of Army_-------------.---_ 651 Newark, N. J. , supplement to contract for sale of Port Newark Army Base, authorized --------------------- 172 Nitrogenous fertilizer materials- Availability --- _ _ __ _ . ------------- 1059 Export requirements to nonoccupied areas, production and sale ----- 342 Nome Harbor, Alaska, construction of shore protective works, provision for _-- --- --- --- -.-- --- --- --- -- 455 Nurse Corps- Retired members, advancement to highest grade held during desig- nated period------------------ 1085 Retirement benefits, equalization; computation of retirementpay- 211, 212 a±1 TnTlrx. XVII Army, Department of the-Continued. Pae Occupied areas- Agricultural commodities and raw materials, purchase for process- ing and sale in, revolving fund-_ 1098 Government and relief in, funds for - 224, 667, 1057 Unexpended balance at end of occu- pation, availability ---------- 1057 Okaloosa County, Fla., conveyance - 1229 Ordnance Department- Appropriation for; contract authori- zation --------- _____------ 659 Office of Chief, appropriation for -- 666 Organized Reserves. See separate title. Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons advocating--..----------- ___ 1025 Panama Canal, maintenance, etc., ap- propriation for -------- _ -_____ 1023 Passes, official, forgery, etc., of, penal- ties -------------------------- _ 712 Pay and allowances, escort personnel, repatriated war dead-- --------- _ 334 Pay of the Army, appropriation for - - 650 Reduction in appropriation -------- 229 Transfer of funds ---------- ___-___ 224 Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, amend- ments, reserve components ------- 88, 89 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for ------------------- 223, 224, 1023 Pensacola, Fla., transfer of certain lands to Department of the Interior - _ 1220 Personnel, additional, limitation on em- ployment .. .. 6i66 Nonapplicability of ceiling in certain cases -... _. - - 666, 670 Printing and binding, appropriation for_ 666 Prisoners of war, funds for maintenance_ 669 Procurement Act of 1947, Armed Serv- ices. See Armed Services Procure- ment Act of 1947. Professional and scientific service, estab- lishment of positions in -------- _ 604 Property of, unlawful entry, etc., penalty ------------------------ 765 Property or money, fraudulent trans- actions, penalties --------------- 754 Prostitution, penal provisions ------- _ _ 765 Publications, certain, restriction on pay of Army personnel connected with_ 651 Puerto Rico, return of certain lands situated in, authorized -------- __ . 495 Quartermaster Corps- Appropriation for------------- 653, 1019 President of the United States, ac- commodations for vehicles, etc-- 679 Quartermaster General, Office of, ap- propriation for ----------.---- 666