Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1340

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INDEX Army, Department of the-Continued. Receipts of public moneys, use of------ Reclamation, Bureau of, transfer of surplus aircraft, etc., to, authority_ Remains of certain persons buried out- side United States, appropriation for evacuation and return ------- Remount Service, transfer to Depart- ment of Agriculture------------ Removal of officers from active list- Honorable discharge or voluntary re- tirement prior to-------------- Procedure------------------------ Review of records of proceedings, persons removed under prior provisions of law----------- Renegotiation Act of 1948----------- Incorporation in contracts, authority of Secretary of Defense ------ Reports to Congress- Engineers, Office of Chief, employ- ment of additional personnel__ - Occupied areas, purchase of com- modities for processing and sale in, status of revolving fund----- Scrap or salvage material, sale, use of Page 65] 1132 1019 197 1082 1081 1082 260 1049 1020 1099 proceeds---_ ----. ------- --- - 659 Signal Corps, Alaska Communica- tion System, receipts and dis- bursements ------------------ 1020 Transportation of certain Govern- ment and other personnel; cost; equipment, etc---------------- 277 Reserve components- Administrative pay --------------- _ 89 Inactive duty training pay ---------- 88 Officers on active duty, funds avail- able for pay and allowances__ _ 666, 667 Pay and allowances---------------- 88 Regular Army, Selective Service Act of 1948, exemption from train- ing and service by induction under----------------------_ 610 Retirement -------- _----------- -- 1087 Appropriation authorized for effecting provisions---------- 1091 Training, additional, payment of sub- sistence and transportation-_ _ _ 88 Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948. See separate title. Reserve Officers' Training Corps- Appropriation for ---------------- _ 663 Reduction in appropriation----___ _ 229 Hospitalization and medical treat- ment, definition of "in time of peace"------------.. -_- - -- - -- 488 Mounted units, limitation ------- . - 664 Restriction on use of other funds.. - 665 Surplus stocks, furnishing of supplies from----. -------. ------ ------ 664 Army, Department of the-Continued. Page Retired officers- Remount Service, personnel employed by, compensation-----------. _ _ 197 Supplies, sale to Department, re- striction --------------------- 651 Retired pay, Army, appropriation for-_ 653 Retirement- Advancement of retired officers to highest temporary grade held during designated period ------ 1085 Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act of 1948----------------------- -1081 Army Nurse Corps, advancement of retired members to highest grade held during designated period___ 1085 Enlisted men, retired, advancement to highest grade held during desig- nated period---------------- -1086 Reserve components ------------- _ 1087 Appropriation authorized for effect- ing provisions--------------- 1091 Retired list, officers, establishment__ 1084 Retired officers recalled to active duty, advancement on retired list to highest grade held ------- 1086 Review of proceedings, persons re- moved from active list under prior provisions of law -------- 1082 Service, retirement of officers based on, pay, etc ----------------. 1084 Voluntary, prior to removal of officer from active list --------------- 1082 Warrant officers ----- .- -- -- -- -- -- 1085 Women's Medical Specialist Corps, advancement of retired members to highest grade held during designated period-------------- 1085 Review, Board of, functions with respect to officers recommended for re- moval by Board of Inquiry------ 1081 Rivers and harbors. See separate title. Ryukyus, expenditures for economic re- habilitation in, authority--------- 1057 Salaries and expenses, departmental, appropriation for --------------- 666 Santa Rosa Island, Fla., conveyance- _ - 1229 Schooling, dependents of personnel on military installations, funds avail- able ------- . --- __

_ 667 Scrap or salvage material, sale, use of proceeds ----------- _---------_ 659 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 223, 649, 666 Selection boards, functions ----------- 1081 Selective Service Act of 1948. See sep- arate title. Service credit for service before eighteen years of age; effective period ----- 489 XVIII I