Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1372

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INDEX Economic Cooperation Act of 1948-Con. Pag International Refugee Organization, en- couragement of manpower utiliza- tion arrangements with ---------- 15 Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation- Establishment, functions----------- 15 Appropriation authorized--------- 15 Appropriation for------------ 213, 102' Funds for expenses within participat- ing countries ------------------ 105i National Advisory Council on Inter- national Monetary and Financial Problems, membership of Adminis- trator------- _---_------------ 14: National security, refusal of delivery of commodities in interest of-------_ 154 Participating countries -------------- 13i Personnel, certain, exemption from designated Federal laws --------- 15' Petroleum and petroleum products, maximum procurement outside United States ------------------ 14' Prisoners of war in participating coun- tries, repatriation --------------- 153 Private channels of trade, use of------ 144 Public Advisory Board, creation, func- tion, membership --------------- 141 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, advances by ------------------- 149 Appropriation for reimbursement for advances for aid to Trieste - - 1055 Reimbursement to Government agen- cies for commodities and serv- ices---------------- .-- - -- - - -- - 148 Relief assistance to countries devastat- ed by war, merger of deposits made for ------------------------- 150, 151 Reparations equipment in Germany, retention ----------- ... .- - - Reports to Congress -------- . -- -- United Nations, transmittal of copies to--------------- .-- - _ Separability of provisions --------_- - Special accounts, deposits by partici- pating countries ---------- _- Allocation of portion for use of U. S . Government ----------- _ Special ECA missions abroad, establish- ment, functions ------------ _ Statements of operations by participat- ing countries -- -. _--------_-__. "Surplus agricultural commodity", defi- nition, procurement, and use----- Funds available to Department of Agriculture-- --.---------.. Termination of assistance ------ .. ..- Termination of program . ---.....---- Terms of payment for assistance ----. 153 156 155 157 151 1055 142 152 147 148 154 155 145 Economic Cooperation Act of 1948-Con. Transfer of designated products and commodities through June 30, 1948 ----------- .--...---- -- Travel in participating countries by U. S . citizens, encouragement----- Trieste- Administrative arrangements for con- duct of operations --------- Authorization for aid under Foreign Aid Act of 1947


United Nations, request for cooperation, etc -------- _. .--------- __ U. S. Special Representative in Europe, appointment and functions------- Voluntary contributions, payment of ocean freight charges --------- Rate . ..------ ----- . Western Hemisphere countries, encour- agement in furnishing aid to partici- pating countries ----------- _ Wheat and wheat flour, determination of grants to participating coun- tries ---------- - --- ________--- Economic Report, Joint Committee on: Appropriation for -------------- ___. Report, date of filing--_-- __ __- __ _- Edgewood Arsenal, Md., construction of military installations, authorized--- Education, Office of. See under Federal Security Agency. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Co- operation, National Commission on, appropriation for salaries of secretari- at--...-. ... ... .. ... .-- .- Educational Exchange, United States Ad- visory Commission on, creation and functions -------------- _. --- Educational Exchange Act of 1948. See United States Information and Edu- cational Exchange Act of 1948. Sgypt, appropriation for institutions for incarcerating American convicts and insane persons ...------ --- Eire, presentation of statue of Commodore John Barry to, increase in appropria- tion authorization --

Elections, interference by armed forces, penalty -------- _.

__- Electoral College, procedure, etc ------ Electors, Presidential, appointment, pro- cedure, etc --

_ lectrification Administration, Rural See Rural Electrification Adminis- tration under Agriculture, Depart- ment of. lizabeth River, Southern Branch, Va, works of improvement, adoption and authorization --.---.--------.--- Page 153 153 142 138 155 141 153 1056 153 147 424 16 376 305 10 307 1015 719 672 672 1172 L