Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1460

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CXXXVIII Steel Producers, obligatory compliance with orders issued under Selective Service Act of 1948; penalty for noncompliance ------------------- Steinhatchee River, Fla., flood control, preliminary examination and survey, authorization ____________________ Sterling, Colo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of______________ Stockton, Calif., naval supply annex, acquisition of land, authorized______ Appropriation for -------- .- -- -- ___ Stolen Property, sale, receipt, transporta- tion, etc., penalties-- _ __ ___ ___ __ ___ _ Stowaways on Vessels or Aircraft, penalty- Strategic and Critical Materials. See also Mines, Bureau of, under Intelior, De- partment of the. Agricultural materials, research on, appropriation for

_-___._- Oil and gas. See separatetitle. Rubber Act of 1948. See separate title. Second Decontrol Act of 1947, certain allocations under, time extension; Page 627 1181 331 460 1043 805 802 513 termination authority--- ------ 58, 342 Surplus, transfer to stock piles----- 1047, 1048 Inapplicability of limitation on use of Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion funds ------------------- 1187 Tin-smelting industry, domestic, time extension of authority ----------- 1101 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act, appropriation for effecting provisions; contract authority -. -- . . 1047 Streams, Gaging of, appropriation for; use of funds for negotiation of Arkansas River compact---------------- 222, 1134 Strikebreakers, transportation of, penalty_ 760 Stumpy Point Bay, N. C., works of im- provement, adoption and authoriza- tion---__----------------.-----_ 1172 Submarginal Land, appropriation for re- tirement of-- ------------------ _ 524 Subsidies: Insulation products, manufacturers or dealers, limitation on funds avail- able for ---------------------- . 526 Restriction on use of National Military Establishment funds for --------- 654 Subversive Activities, penalties - - - 808, 811, 812 Sugar, adjustment payments by Com- modity Credit Corporation to certain producers of raw cane sugar in Puerto Rico and Hawaii, authorized ----- --- 504 Sugar Acts, appropriation to effect pro- visions of; limitation--------------- 526 Sulfur, royalty or rental on leasehold, waiver or reduction--------. -- --- - 291 Sun River Project, Mont., appropriation for construction ------ _-----___ _-- Superintendent of Documents, Govern- ment Printing Office. See under Government Printing Office. Superior National Forest, Minn., consoli- dation of areas within-------------- Appropriation authorized ----------- Supplemental Appropriation Acts. See also Deficiency Appropriation Acts. Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1949- -- Displaced Persons Commission, appor- tionment of appropriation -------- Federal Housing Administration, funds available-----__-_____-_____---- Housing and Home Finance Agency, funds available---------------- Motor Carrier Claims Commission, ex- tension of time for receiving claims; termination of Commission------- Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating - -_________--______- Strikes against U. S . Government, restriction on employment of per- sons engaging in, etc- __-- -- --- -- - Treasury Department, appropriation for-------------------------.- Veterans Administration, appropriation for--------- ..- ....-...-- - - - -_ Supplemental Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1949 ------- _ _- -_ Supplemental Independent Offices Ap- propriation Act, 1949-- . .- -- -- --- -- - Applicability of general provisions of Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1949 -------------. ..- - - - Supplemental National Defense Appro- priation Act, 1948 -------------. . Supplemental Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1949---......... Supplemental Treasury Department Ap- propriation Act, 1949..-----.._---- Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of. See under Navy, Department of the. Supreme Court, United States. See under United States Courts. Surgeon General. See Public Health Service; Army, Department of the. Surplus Property. See also Surplus Prop- erty Act of 1944. Aircraft, parts, etc., transfer between Departments of Air Force, Army, and Navy, and Civil Aeronautics Administration ------------- Alaska native service, transfer to, authority- - ---------------- Alaska Railroad, acquisitions by transfer from designated agencies----. ---- Page 1127 568 570 1289 1290 1290 1290 1290 1291 1291 1290 1291 443 1196 1205 258 564 560 323 1117 1148 INDEX