Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1461

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Surplus Property-Continued. Page Alaska Road Commission, acquisitions by transfer from designated agencies----------------------- 1147 Appropriation for care, handling, and disposal ------------------- 1030, 120E Arctic weather stations, transfer of surplus equipment to Weather Bureau from Army, Air Force, and Navy, authority----_ _ - -- -- - _- - -. 28( Athletic equipment, disposal for en- couragement of athletic and sports programs, authorized ----------- _ 45E Educational purposes, donations of surplus property by Departments of Army, Navy, and Air Force for, authority-------------- _ ---- ---- 1233 Fish and Wildlife Service, acquisitions by transfer from designated agen- cies--------------------------- 114( House of Representatives, availability of appropriation for purchases----- 213 Mineral interests reserved to United States as required by Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, delay in transfer-.---------------- 116 National Industrial Reserve Act of 1948.-------------------------- 1225 Appropriation authorized----------- 1228 Appropriation for----------------- 1033 National Park Service, acquisitions by transfer from designated agencies-_ 1142 Navy Department, limitation on use of funds in connection with; advance payments by disposal agency ----- 595 Real property, transfer by Federal agen- cies for consolidation within areas administered by National Park Service------------------------ 199 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, limitations on use of funds in con- nection with; waiver of reimburse- ment for certain---------------- 1187 Small business, purchases by RFC for resale to, repeal of provisions of Joint Resolution of June 30, 1947- 265 Soldiers' Home, transfer to, authority-_ 1023 Strategic and critical materials, trans- fer to stock piles------------ 1047, 1048 United Nations, acquisition for, au- thority of Department of State---- 309 War Assets Administration, transfer of functions, etc.- Administrative property, to Treasury Department and other agencies-- 1202 Aircraft, to Department of the Air Force ---------------------- 1202 Personal property, to Bureau of Fed- eral Sunolv------------------- 1202 Surplus Property-Continued. Page War Assets Administration, transfer of functions, etc.-Continued. Real property, to Reconstruction Finance Corporation ---- _---- 1202 Weather Bureau, transfer of equipment, etc. , from Departments of Air Force, Army, and Navy ----- 286, 328 Surplus Property Act of 1944: Amendments- Civilian components of armed forces, disposal of property for use in training ---------------------- 1103 Smaller War Plants Corporation, pur- chases for resale to small busi- ness, repeal of provisions------ __ 351 States, political subdivisions, and municipalities, conveyance of surplus real property for parks, monument sites, etc.; priority_ 350, 351 Educational exchange program, appro- priation for-- ----------------- _ 312 Federal Prison Industries, Inc., trans- fers to, authority---------------- 1100 Government property, nonapplica- bility to certain----------------- 1203 Priorities and preferences, certain prop- erty transferred from War Assets Administration, applicability of provisions---------------------- 1203 Susquehanna River Basin, Pa., flood- protection project, modification ---- 1176 Sweetpotato Weevil Control, appropria- tion for; State, etc., co operation---- 518 Swiss Confederation, coat of arms, com- mercial use of, penalty ------------ 733 Synthetic Liquld Fuels, Demonstration Plants: Appropriation for--------------- 222, 1136 Time extension of authority; increase in appropriation authorization - - 79 Synthetic Rubber Scrap, free importa- tion -------------------------- - 34 T Taft-Hartley Act. See Labor Manage- ment Relations Act, 1947. Tahlequah, Okla., conveyance of land for use of Northeastern State Col- lege----------------------------- Tahquitz National Game Preserve, pro- tection of animals and birds, au- thority----------------------- Tar Bay, Md. , works of improvement, adoption and authorization -------- Tariff Act of 1930: Amendments- Beverages subject to internal revenue taxes, duties-------------- 301 861 1172 344 INDEX CXXXIX - - - z