Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1187

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 10. It is understood that each Government reserves full freedom of negotiation under paragraph 2 Ante, p. 24 . of Article VI. 11. It is understood that the Government of Luxembourg will not be requested, under paragraph Ante, p. 246 . 2 (a) of Article VII, to furnish detailed information about minor projects, or confidential, commer- cial or technical information the disclosure of which would injure legitimate commercial interests. 12. It is understood that the Government of the United States of America in making the notifica- tions referred to in paragraph 2 of Ante, p. 2467. Article IX would bear in mind the desirability of restricting, so far as practicable, the number of officials, for whom full diplomatic privi- leges would be requested. It is also understood that the detailed application of Article IX would, when necessary, be the subject of inter-governmental discussion. 13. - It is understood that any agreements which might be ar- rived at pursuant to paragraph 2 Ate, p. 2469. of Article X would be subject to ratification by the Senate of the United States of America. 10. Il est entendu que chaque Gouvernement se reserve pleine libert6 de negociation, pour ce qui concerne le paragraphe 2 de 1'Ar- ticle VI. 11. Il est entendu que le Gou- vernement du Luxembourg n'aura pas, en application du paragraphe 2 (a) de l'Article VII, a fournir des informations d6taillees sur les pro- jets peu importants ou des ren- seignements commerciaux ou tech- niques d'ordre confidentiel dont la divulgation pourrait porter at- teinte a des int6erts commerciaux legitimes. 12. Il est entendu que le Gou- vernement des Etats-Unis en fai- sant la notification pr6vue au paragraphe 2 de l'Article IX, aura due consideration a la n6cessit6 de restreindre autant que possible le nombre des fonctionnaires pour lesquels les privileges diploma- tiques integraux seraient de- mand6s. II est 6galement en- tendu que l'application dans les details de l'Article IV serait l'ob- jet, s'il est n6cessaire, de conver- sations entre les deux Gouverne- ments. 13.- Il est entendu que tout accord qui serait conclu en ex6cu- tion du paragraphe 2 de 1'Article X serait soumis a la ratification du S6nat des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. G.P.W. 2476 P. D.