Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/303

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAI-INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE-MAR . 30, 1946 Protocol between the United States of America and other governments arch 30, 146 respecting the transfer of functions and assets of the International IT.I. A.S.1719] Institute of Agriculture to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Dated at Rome March 30, 1946; ratification advised by the Senate of the United States of America August 2, 1946; ratified by the President of the United States of America August 28, 1946; ratificationof the United States of America deposited with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations February 10, 1947; proclaimed by the President of the United States of America February24, 1948; entered into force January28, 1948. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS a protocol dated at Rome, March 30, 1946, terminating the convention for the creation of an International Institute of Agri- culture signed at Rome on June 7, 1905, and transferring the 35 Stat. 1918. functions and assets of that Institute to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, was signed "Subject to ratifica- tion" on behalf of the United States of America (including Hawaii, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) and was signed also on behalf of a number of other countries; WHEREAS the text of the said protocol, being in the French and English languages, is word for word as follows: Les Gouvernements signataires du present Protocole, Etant parties ala Convention signee A Rome le 7 juin 1905, qui cr6a l'Institut international d'Agricul- ture (ci-apres d6nomme "l'Insti- tut"), Considerant qu'il serait utile de dissoudre l'Institut (y compris le Centre international de Sylvicul- ture, ci-apres d6nomm6 "le Cen- tre") et d'en transferer les fonc- tions et les biens A l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimen- tation et l'Agriculture (ci-apres denommee "l'Organisation"), et Ayant connaissance de la resolu- tion du Comit6 permanent de l'Institut, sont convenus de ce qui suit: 68706°-51 --rT. ii ---19 The Governments signatories to this Protocol, Being parties to the Convention signed at Rome on June 7, 1905, creating the International Insti- tute of Agriculture (hereinafter called the Institute), Considering it desirable that the Institute (including the Inter- national Forestry Center, herein- after called the Center) be dis- solved and that the functions and assets thereof be transferred to the Food and Agriculture Organiza- tion of the United Nations (here- inafter called the Organization), and Being cognizant of the resolu- tion of the Permanent Committee of the Institute, have agreed as follows: 35 Stat. 1918. 1581