Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/906

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62 STAT.] BELGIUM-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 2, 1948 ments of operations under this Agreement, including information as to the use of funds, commodi- ties, and services received. ARTICLE IX (Missions) 1. The Government of Belgium agrees to receive a Special Mission for Economic Cooperation which will discharge the responsibilities of the Government of the United States of America in Belgium under this Agreement. 2. The Government of Belgium will, upon appropriate notification from the Ambassador of the United States of America in Bel- gium, consider the Special Mission and its personnel, and the United States Special Representative in Europe, as part of the Embassy of the United States of America in Belgium for the purposes of en- joying the privileges and immuni- ties accorded to that Embassy and its personnel of comparable rank. The Government of Bel- gium will further accord appro- priate courtesies to the members and staff of the Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Congress of the United States of America and grant them the facilities and asistance neces- sary to the effective performance of their responsibilities. 3. The Government of Belgium, directly and through its repre- sentatives on the Organization for European Economic Cooperation will extend full cooperation to the Special Mission, to the United States Special Representative in Europe and his staff, and to the 68706--51-PT . I -- -57 complets sur les operations d'ex& cution de cet Accord et notam- ment des renseignements sur l'em- ploi de tous les fonds, marchan- dises et services regus au titre de la Loi. ARTICLE IX (Missions) 1. Le Gouvernement de Bel- gique donne son agrement a l'in- stallation d'une Mission Speciale de Cooperation Economique qui assurera l'ex6cution des obliga- tions assumees par les Etats- Unis en Belgique aux termes du present Accord. 2. Sur notification appropriee de l'Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis d'Amerique a la Belgique le Gou- vernement de Belgique considere la Mission Speciale et son personnel ainsi que le Representant Special des Etats-Unis en Europe comme faisant partie de l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis d'Amerique en Bel- gique aux fins de beneficier des privileges et immunites accordes aux fonctionnaires de rang equiva- lent de l'Ambassade des Etats- Unis d'Amerique. Le Gouverne- ment de Belgique convient en outre d'observer a l'egard des membres et du personnel du Comite Mixte de Cooperation Economique Etrangere du Con- gres des Etats-Unis les regles de courtoisie appropriees et de leur accorder les facilites et l'assistance indispensables pour assumer effi- cacement leurs responsabilites. 3. Le Gouvernement de Bel- gique apportera directement et par l'intermediaire de ses representants au sein de l'Organisation Europe- enne de Cooperation Economique, sa pleine cooperation Ala Mission Sp6ciale, au Representant Special des Etats-Unis en Europe et A Special mission as part of U.. .Embassy. Pot, p. 2197. 2189