Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/919

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 2202 62Stat., Pt. 1, p. 137 . Measures for practi- cal use of resources. Post, p. 2219. reaffirms its intention to take action to carry out the provisions of the General Obligations of the Convention for Euro- pean Economic Cooperation, to continue to participate actively in the work of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and to continue to adhere to the purposed and policies of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948. 3. With respect to assistance fur- nished by the Government of the United States of America to Denmark and procured from areas outside the United States of America, its territories and possessions, the Government of Denmark will cooperate with the Government of the United States of America in ensuring that procurement will be effected at reasonable prices and on reasonable terms and so as to arrange that the dol- lars thereby made available to the coun- try from which the assistance is pro- cured are used in a manner consistent with any arrangements made by the Government of the United States of America with such country. Article II. General Undertakings 1. In order to achieve the maximum recovery through the employment of assistance received from the Govern- ment of the United States of America, the Government of Denmark will use its best endeavors: a) to adopt or maintain the mea- sures necessary to ensure efficient and practical use of all the re- sources available to it, including (I) such measures as may be necessary to ensure that the udefra. Den danske Regering bekrnefter paany, at den har til Hensigt at tage de nedvendige Skridt til at gennemfore Be- stemmelserne i Afsnittet om Almindelige Forpligtelser i Konventionen om Euro- pweisk 0konomisk Samarbejde, at fort- sEette med aktivt at deltage i Organisa- tionen for Europmeisk 0konomisk Sam- arbejdes Virksomhed og vedblivende at opretholde sin Tilslutning til de For- maal og Retningslinier, der er fastlagt i Lov om 0konomisk Samarbejde af 1948. 3. Forsaavidt angaar Bistand, der ydes Danmark af Amerikas Forenede Sta- ters Regering og som tilvejebringes fra Omraader beliggende udenfor de For- enede Stater, dets Territorier og Besid- delser, vil den danske Regering samar- bejde med de Forenede Staters Regering for at sikre, at de omhandlede Indkeb foretages til rimelige Priser og paa ri- melige Betingelser og paa en saadan Maade, at de Dollars, der derved stilles til Raadighed for det Land, hvorfra Hjselpen skaffes, benyttes i Overensstem- melse med enhver Ordning, som Ame- rikas Forenede Staters Regering maatte have indgaaet med dette Land. Artikel II. Almindelige Forpligtelser 1. For at opnaa den storst mulige Genopbygning gennem Anvendelsen af Bistand modtaget fra Amerikas For- enede Staters Regering, vil den danske Regering bestraebe sig mest muligt paa: a. at traeffe eller opretholde de nedvendige Forholdsregler for at sikre effektiv og praktisk Anven- delse af alle Hjielpekilder, der staar til dens Raadighed, her- under (i) saadanne Forholdsregler, som maatte vare nedven-