Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1372

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INDEX Commerce, Department of-Continued Pal Reports to Congress-Continued Subsistence supplies for resale in Alaska, etc., expenditures and receipts -----------. __.--- _ 469, 9( Reproduction of scientific or technical reports, etc., sale; deposit of re- ceipts ----------------- _----- 462, 46 Salary increase for certain Depart- mental officers-------- __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 88 Secretary, Office of, appropriation for _ 8' 257, 462, 74 Strikes against U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in ------------- _______ 47 Subsistence supplies for resale to Gov- ernment employees and dependents in Alaska, etc., authority ------ _ 90. Technical and scientific services, ap- propriation for ------------- ____ 46: Temporary Controls, Office of, appro- priation for liquidation of functions_ 74! Trade agreements, information and advice with respect to________ -- 691 Voluntary agreements- Appropriation for---------------. 82, 745 Time extension of authority of Presi- dent; expiration date------__ _ _ 5, War agencies, liquidation, appropriation for.------- ... _____-------. 257, 74; War Mobilization and Reconversion, Office of, appropriation for liquida- tion_______ _____-------------_ 745 Weather Bureau- Alaska- Distressed persons in remote locali- ties, relief, funds available- - 469 Medical services and supplies for employees in, funds available_ 469 Subsistence supplies for resale, funds available ------------- 469 Appropriation for -------------- 240, 468 Arctic region, conducting meteoro- logical investigations in, maxi- mum compensation for ____ -- . 469 Meteorological observations, taking and transmitting, maximum com- pensation for________________ -469 Quarters for employees, construction and furnishing at certain locali- ties ____________------------_ 464 Commerce, Secretary of. See Commerce, Department of. Commission on Renovation of Executive Mansion: Appropriation for------------- 235, 740, 976 Contract authority----------_ _ _ __ _ _ _ 235 Establishment and composition ----- _ 45 Materials removed during renovation, disposition authority; use of funds_ 890, 891 Commissioners, U. S. Courts: Appropriation for__________________ Witnesses before, increase in per diem, mileage and subsistence --- _ .. .. .. Commodity Credit Corporation. See also Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, Amendments. Administrative expenses, increase in amount------------- ___ .___ ___ . Agricultural commodities- Army, Secretary of, purchase by -_ _ Classing or grading, reimbursement Page 471 65 978 992 for cost -------- ... ___------ _ 344 Price support ------------------ _ 1054 Sale; price..----------___________ 1055 Waste, disposal for prevention----_ _ 1058 Appropriation for---------___ ___. 82, 346 Foot-and-mouth disease, eradication, appropriation for repayment for ex- penses_________________________ 744 International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949 ------------------------- 945 Functions under, appropriation au- thorized --------------------- 946 Obligations, issuance for carrying out annual budget programs, authority_ 1057 Property, expenses in connection with, consideration as nonadministrative_ 346 Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, Amendments: Advisory board ---------- _--------_ 156 Agriculture, Secretary of, direction by _ 154 "Commodity Credit Corporation", re- striction on use of words--------- 157 Directors, Board of; direction by Secre- tary of Agriculture ------ __. -- -- _ 155 Grain, storage facilities, loans for ------ 155 Personnel, appointment of --- .. -- .- - 156 Property, acquisition of, provisions respecting---------- .. . . .. . . .. 154, 155 Storage facilities, limitation on acquisi- tion -------------------------- 155 Strategic and critical materials produced abroad, exchange of agricultural commodities for-- -------------- 155 Suits, provisions respecting ----------- 156 Commodity Exchange Act, appropriation to effect provisions of


257, 345 Commodity Prices, Stabilization, Volun- tary Agreements: Appropriation for Department of Com- merce ------........--------. 82,745 Time extension of authority of President; expiration date __- - -__ ___----- 5,6 ommon Carriers. See Carriers. ommunicable Diseases, funds for con- trol of ----------------------- 254,289 ommunications Act of 1934, appropria- tion for expenses in performing duties under ---.---.....--.

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