Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/241

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERA-TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 ARTICLE X Administrative and Technical Services 1. The United Nations and the Union recognize the desirability, in the interests of the most efficient use of personnel and resources, of avoiding, whenever possible, the establishment of competitive or over- lapping services, and when necessary to consult thereon to achieve these ends. 2. Arrangements shall be made between the United Nations and Rposeotratio alnddo, the Union in regard to the registration and deposit of official mens. documents. ARTrCLE XI Budgetary and Financial Arrangements 1. The budget or the proposed budget of the Union shall be trans- mitted to the United Nations at the same time as such budget is trans- mitted to the members of the Union and the General Assembly may make recommendations thereon to the Union. 2. The Union shall be entitled to send representatives to partici- pate, without vote, in the deliberations of the General Assembly or any committee thereof at all times when the budget of the Union is under consideration. ARTICLE XII Financing of Special Services 1. In the event of the Union being faced with the necessity of incurring substantial extra expense as a result of any request which the United Nations may make for special reports, studies or assistance in accordance with Article VI or with any other provisions of this A"' P "p 33 agreement, consultation shall take place with a view to determining the most equitable manner in which such expense shall be borne. 2. Consultation between the United Nations and the Union shall similarly take place with a view to making such arrangements as may be found equitable for covering the costs of central administrative, technical or fiscal services or facilities or other special assistance requested by the Union and provided by the United Nations. ATICLE XIII Inter-Agency Agreements 1. The Union agrees to inform the Economic and Social Council of the nature and scope of any formal agreement contemplated be- tween the Union and any other specialized agency or other inter- governmental organization or international non-governmental organi- zation, and further will inform the Economic and Social Council of the details of any such agreement, when concluded. 1537