Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/254

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERALTELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 XIII FOR THE ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY The Delegation of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay formally de- clares that by signature of this Convention the Oriental Republic of Uruguay does not accept any obligation in respect of the Telegraph Regulations, Telephone Regulations, or Additional Radio Regulations referred to in Article 13 of the Atlantic City Convention. XIV FOR THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA The Saudi Arabian Delegation, in signing this Convention, reserves for its Government the right to accept or not accept any obligation in respect of the Telegraph Regulations, Telephone Regulations, the Radio Regulations or the Additional Radio Regulations referred to in Article 13 of the Atlantic City Convention. XV FOR THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA The Republic of Panama formally declares that by signature of this Atlantic City Convention of 1947, it does not accept any obligation in respect of the Telegraph Regulations, the Telephone Regulations, or the Additional Radio Regulations referred to in Article 13. XVI FOR MEXICO The Mexican Delegation states that the signing of the International Telecommunication Convention of Atlantic City does not oblige the Mexican Government to accept the Telegraph Regulations, nor the Telephone Regulations, nor the Additional Radio Regulations re- ferred to in Article 13 of the above-mentioned Convention. XVII FOR ETHIOPIA The Delegation of Ethiopia formally declares that it makes a tem- porary reservation in relation to Protocol I, concerning the Transi- tional Arrangements, as its powers are expressly subject to the limita- tion that all its signatures are subject to ratification. 1551