Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/408

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERALTELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2 , 1947 (Chapter IL art. 9 RR) (21-267) b) the whole of that area in Regions 1 and 3 con- tained between the parallels 30° North and 35' South, with the addition of the area contained between the meridians 40° East and 80° East of Greenwich and the parallels 30° North and 40° North; c) the zone may be extended, in Region 2, to par- allel 33° North, subject to appropriate special arrangements between the countries concerned in that Region. 253 (3) Within the Tropical Zone, the broadcasting service has priority over the other services with which it shares those bands listed in 244. 254 (4) The broadcasting service operating inside the Trop- ical Zone, and other services operating outside the Zone, are subject to the provisions of 90. Section U. Aeronautical Mobile Service 255 §4. Administrations shall not permit public correspon- dence in the frequency bands allocated exclusively to the aero- nautical mobile service, unless allowed by special aeronautical regulations adopted by an aeronautical administrative con- ference to which all interested members of the Union have been invited. Such regulations must recognize the absolute priority of safety and control messages. 256§5. Frequencies in any band allocated to the aeronauti- cal mobile (R) service are reserved for communications be- tween any aircraft and those aeronautical stations primarily concerned with the safety and regularity of flight along na- tional or international civil air routes. 257§6. Frequencies in any band allocated to the aeronauti- cal mobile (OR) service are reserved for communications between any aircraft and aeronautical stations other than those primarily concerned with flight along national or inter- national civil air routes. 1705