Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/418

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63 STAT.] . MU LTILA TER AL -TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2 , 1947 (Capter IV, mat. U t) (<4-r) CHAPTER IV Notification and Registration of Frequencies International Frequency Registration Board ARTICLE 10 Gneral Provisions 284 §1. The essential duties of the International Frequency Registration Board shall be: 285 a) to effect an orderly recording of frequency as- signments made by the respective countries so as to establish, in accordance with the procedure provided for in these Regulations, the date, pur- pose and technical characteristics of each of these assignments, with a view to ensuring for- mal international recognition thereof; 286 b) to render advice to the members of the with a view to the operation of the maximum practicable number of radio channels in those portions of the spectrum where international interference may occur. 287 §2. The functions of the Board shall include: 288 a) the recording of radio frequency assignments made in accordance with 285 for inclusion in the Master International Frequency Register; 289 b) the compilation in collaboration with, and for publication in suitable form and at appropriate intervals by, the ]uea of the Union of fre- quency lists and other material relating to the assignment and use o requencies; Jttt& q*Z*,,, I," 1715