Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/430

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONSOCT. 2 , 1947 (Chapter IV, art. 11 RR) (321-329) where the complete notice is received by the Board within 30 days thereafter.1 Section III. Procedure for the Examination of Notices 321 §5. Upon the receipt of a complete notice, the Board shall record it; the date of the receipt of each notice shall be acknowledged immediately to the notifying country. 322 § 6. (1) At intervals of one week, the Board shall circulate by air mail in the form of a circular addressed to all coun- tries, members of the Union, certified copies of all notices received by it. 323 (2) Any country which wishes to present objections or comments with regard to this notice, shall notify the Board by telegram of the main basis of its objection or comment within two weeks of the date of the receipt of the circular in which the details of the notice are published. 324 (3) Any country which has not communicated with the Board within this two-week period will be deemed to have no objection or comment. 325 (4) Within a fulrtlhr period of two weeks a letter shall be sent to the Board amplifying the objections or comments already telegraphed. 326 § 7. (1) The Board shall examine each notice with respect to: 327 a) its conformity with the table and the rules for allocation of frequencies; 328 b) its conformity with the other provisions of the Convention and the Radio Regulations (with the exception of those relating to the probability of harmful interference); 329 c) the probability of harmful interference either to any service rendered by a station for which a fre- 320.1 " In the event of undue delay in the delivery of a notice by post or tele- graph, that event, if and when verified. shall not in any way prejudise the priority of consideration of the registration for the country which submitted the notice. 1727