Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/458

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63 STAT.] MUILTILATERAL-TFLECOM)IMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 (Chapter VI, art. 17 & 18 RR) (400-404) to be made of the emissions of the stations under their juris- diction, the technique of measurements being in accordance with the most recent recommendations of the C.C.I .R. 400 §4. The administrations shall cooperate in the detection and elimination of interference, employing the facilities de- scribed in article 18 and following the procedures detailed in article 14. ARTICLE 18 International Monitoring 401§1. The provisions of 399 may be implemented by means of monitoring stations. Such stations may be operated by an administration or by a public or private enterprise recognized by its administration or by a common monitoring service established by two or more countries or by some inter- national organization. 402§2. Administrations agree to cooperate in the establish- ment of an international frequency monitoring system and, to the extent practicable, in the establishment of other moni- toring based on recommendations of the .C.CI.R. The stations referred to in 401 may participate in this system. 403 § 3. (1) Meanwhile, administrations will, as far as they con- sider practicable, carry out such monitoring as may be re- quired by the International Frequency Registration Board (I.F.R .B .) or by other administrations of countries members of the Union, or by other organizations operating within the framework of the Union. The results of such monitor- ing shall be forwarded to the I.F .R.B. as well as to the ad- ministration or organization directly concerned, in order that the results may be noted by the I.F .R .B . 404 (2) As far as may be deemed practicable by the admin- istration concerned, all of the monitoring stations of one 81939 0-52 -PT. II--30 1755