Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/516

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63 STAT.] IMLTILATERAL, - T EL ECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2 , 1947 (Chapter XIU art. 25 RI) (561) CHAPTER XII Personnel of Mobile Stations ARTICLE 25 Class and Minimum Number of Operators for Ship and Aircraft Stations 556§1. In the international service of public correspon- dence, each government takes the necessary steps to ensure that ship and aircraft stations of its own nationality have personnel adequate to perform efficient service during the working hours which correspond to the category in which these stations are placed. 557 §2. The personnel of these stations must, having regard to the provisions of article 24 (see 551 to 555), include at least: 558 a) ship stations of the first category: one operator holding a first class radiotelegraph operator's certificate; 559 h) ship stations of the second category: one oper- ator holding a first or second class radiotele- graph operator's certificate; 560 c) ship stations of the third category, except in the cases provided for in 561 and 562: one operator holding a first or a second class radiotelegraph operator's certificate; 561 d) ship stations in which a radiotelegraph installa- tion is provided but not prescribed by inter- national agreements: one operator holding a 1813