Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/143

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63 STAT.] ETHIOPIA-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT-MAY 20, 1949 to real property in Ethiopia as selected and determined by agreement between the two Governments; or (ii) by providing against request Ethiopian dollars for expendi- ture by the Government of the United States of America, or by such foundation, person or organization as the United States may designate, in accordance with agreements to be reached between the two Governments for carrying out edu- cational and cultural programs of benefit to the two coun- tries; or (iii) by providing against request Ethiopian dollars for the pay- ment of any or all expenditures in Ethiopia of the Govern- ment of the United States and its agencies; or (iv) by paying, within five (5) years and ninety (90) days after the date of this Agreement, in United States dollars the dif- ference between $200,000 and the United States dollar value of the payments made under sub-sections (i), (ii), and (iii) above during the five (5) years following the date of this Agreement. (b) The exchange rate applicable to payments under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Article shall be that established by the Inter- national Monetary Fund which is in effect at the time of payment, pro- vided that, if no such rate exists, the rate shall be that rate most favor- able to the Government of the United States of America which was used in any official transaction of the Imperial Government of Ethi- opia with any party in the preceding twelve months' period. (c) The Imperial Government of Ethiopia agrees to use its best efforts to deliver without undue delay to the Government of the United States of America any real property or improvements to real property which have been selected and determined by representatives of the two Governments, pursuant to paragraph (a) (i) above. Representatives of the Government of the United States of America may, at their discretion, conduct discussion directly with property owners and con- tractors regarding the acquisition of such property or improvements by the Imperial Government of Ethiopia for delivery to the Govern- ment of the United States of America. But no such discussions shall give rise to any obligations whatsoever on the part of the Imperial Government of Ethiopia. ABTICI 3 (a) The Imperial Government of Ethiopia hereby acquires full title, without qualification as to disposition or use, to all lend-lease articles transferred to the Imperial Government of Ethiopia, except lend-lease articles now in the possession or control of the Armed Forces of the Imperial Government of Ethiopia. (b) The Government of the United States of America hereby ac- quires full title, without qualification as to disposition or use, to all articles transferred to the Government of the United States of America by the Imperial Ethiopian Government under reciprocal aid. 2447 Exchange rate. Delivery of real property,'etc. Titleto lend-lease articles. Title to articles transferred to U. S. Govoenment.