Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/144

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. ArrICLE 4 57 tat. 104 Under Article V of the Agreement of August 9, 1943, the Govern- deight o recoverybyf ment of the United States of America has the right to recover at the u.s. Government. end of the present emergency, as determined by the President of the United States of America, such defense articles transferred under that Agreement as have not been destroyed, lost, or consumed and as shall be determined by the President to be of use to the United States of America. Although the Government of the United States of America does not intend to exercise generally this right of recapture, the Gov- ernment of the United States of America expressly reserves such right with respect to lend-lease articles of types essentially or exclusively for use in war or warlike exercises now in the possession or control of the Armed Forces of the Imperial Government of Ethiopia; and the Imperial Government of Ethiopia hereby agrees that the Govern- ment of the United States of America at any time hereafter may exer- cise this right of recapture with respect to lend-lease articles of types essentially or exclusively for use in war or warlike exercises now in the possession or control of the Armed Forces of the Imperial Gov- ernment of Ethiopia which, as of the date upon which notice requesting return is communicated to the Imperial Government of Ethiopia, have not been destroyed, lost, or consumed. ARTICLE 5 mTransfer o rms. The Imperial Government of Ethiopia will not transfer or dispose munitions. etc. of lend-lease articles in the categories of arms, munitions and other lethal weapons now in the possession or control of its Armed Forces to any third country without the prior consent of the Government of the United States of America. ARTICLE 6 Obligation forsilver. Nothing in this Agreement affects the obligation of the Imperial Government of Ethiopia in connection with silver transferred to it by the Government of the United States of America under lend-lease. ATICLE 7 Pinancial daims. Financial claims between the two Governments arising out of exist- ing arrangements, where the liability for payment has heretofore been acknowledged and the methods of computation mutually agreed, are not covered by this settlement as they will be settled in accordance with such arrangements. Likewise claims submitted in accordance with the practice whereby one Government espouses a claim of one of its nationals and presents it through diplomatic channels to the other iaero'tertsln Government are not covered by this settlement. In consideration of the mutual undertakings described in this Agreement, and with the objective of arriving at as comprehensive a settlement as possible, all other financial claims whatsoever of one Government against the other which (i) have heretofore arisen, or hereafter arise out of lend-lease 2448