Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/424

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PUBLIC LAW 4 5 3 - J U L Y 5, 1952



METROPOLITAN POLICE For expenses necessary for the Metropolitan Police, including pay and allowances; one inspector who shall be property clerk; the lieutenants in command of the homicide squad, robbery squad, general assignment squad, special investigation squad, with the rank and pay of captain while so assigned; the detective sergeants in command of the automobile and bicycle squad, the check and fraud squad, and the narcotic squad with the rank and pay of lieutenant while so assigned; the detective sergeant assigned as administrative assistant to the chief of detectives with the rank and pay of lieutenant while so assigned; the present acting sergeant in charge of police automobiles with the rank and pay of sergeant; the present sergeant in charge of the police radio station with the rank and pay of lieutenant; the present sergeant in charge of purchasing and accounts with the rank and pay of lieutenant; the lieutenant assigned as harbor master with the rank and pay of captain; technicians with basic salary increase of not to exceed $361 per annum each; not to exceed one detective in the salary rade of captain; probational detectives with basic salary increase of 181 per annum each; compensation of civilian trial board members at rates to be fixed by the Commissioners; allowances for privately owned automobiles used by inspectors in the performance of official duties at $480 per annum for each automobile; meals for prisoners; rewards for fugitives; medals of award; photographs; rental and maintenance of teletype system; travel expenses incurred in prevention and detection of crime; expenses of attendance, without loss of pay or time, at specialized police training classes and pistol matches, including tuition and entrance fees; expenses of the police training school, including travel expenses of visiting lecturers or experts in criminology; expenses of traffic school; police equipment and repairs to same; insignia of office, uniforms, and other official equipment, including cleaning, alteration, and repair of articles transferred from one individual to another, or damaged in the performance of duty; purchase of passenger motor vehicles; expenses of harbor patrol; and the maintenance of a suitable place for the reception and detention of girls and women over seventeen years of age, arrested by the police on charge of offense against any laws in force in the District of Columbia, or held as witnesses or held pending final investigation or examination, or otherwise; $10,050,000, of which amount $1,300,000 shall be payable from the highway fund and $25,000 shall be exclusively available for expenditure by the Superintendent of Police for prevention and detection of crime, under his certificate, approved by the Commissioners and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended. For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to enable the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to maintain public order and protect life and property in said District from January 15 to January 26, 1953, including personal services without regard to the civil-service and classification laws; travel expenses of enforcement personnel from other jurisdictions; hire of means of transportation; meals for policemen; cost of removing and relocating streetcar loading platforms; construction, rent, maintenance, and expenses incident to the operation of temporary public comfort stations, first-aid stations, and information booths; ^5,000.


Traffic school.

Prevention and detection of crime.

Public order, etc.

FIRE DEPARTMENT For expenses necessary for the Fire Department, including pay and allowances; the first deputy fire marshal with the rank and pay com-