Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/425

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66 S T A T. ]






parable to battalion chief; compensation of civilian trial board members at rates to be fixed by the Commissioners; uniforms and other official equipment, including cleaning, alteration, and repair of articles transferred from one individual to another or damaged in the performance of duty; purchase of passenger motor vehicles; repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds; $5,250,000: Provided, That the Commissioners, in their discretion may authorize the construction, in whole or in part, of fire-fighting apparatus in the Fire Department repair shop. Capital outlay: For repairs and minor additions to firehouses, $70,000, to remain available until expended. VETERANS' SERVICES For expenses necessary to provide services to veterans, $80,000. COURTS District of Columbia courts: For expenses of the Juvenile Court, the Municipal Court, and the Municipal Court of Appeals, including pay of retired judges; lodging and meals for jurors, bailiffs, and deputy United States marshals while in attendance upon jurors, when ordered by the courts; and meals for prisoners; $1,142,400, of which $20,000 shall be available for payment to the United States Public Health Service for furnishing psychiatric service to the Juvenile Court, including the detail of necessary medical and other personnel: Provided, That deposits made on demands for jury trials in accordance with rules prescribed by the Municipal Court under authority granted in section 11 of the Act approved March 3, 1921 (41 Stat. 1312), shall be earned unless, prior to three days before the time set for such trials, including Sundays and legal holidays, a new date for trial be set by the court, cases be discontinued or settled, or demands for jury trials be waived. United States courts: For reimbursement to the United States for services rendered to the District of Columbia by the Judiciary, General Services Administration, and the Department of Justice, $1,760,000, of which $230,000 shall be available for advances on reimbursement, to the General Services Administration for one-half of the cost of operation, maintenance, and repair of the Federal Courts Building, as provided in the Act of May 14, 1948 (62 Stat. 235).

D. C. Code 11722.

D- <=. code ii-

HEALTH DEPARTMENT General administration, Health Department: For expenses necessary for the Health Department (excluding hospitals), including services for tuberculosis, venereal disease, hygiene and sanitation work in schools, dental health, maternal and child health, housekeeping assistance in cases of authentic indigent sick, handicapped and crippled children, cancer control, control of heart disease, public health engineering, nursing, psychiatry, ambulances, laboratories, and out-patient relief of the poor, including medical and surgical supplies, artificial limbs and appliances, eyeglasses, and fees to physicians under contracts to be made by the Director of Public Health and approved by the Commissioners; such expenses to include contract investigational service; uniforms; rent; manufacture of serum in indigent cases; and allow- j Automobile aiances for privately owned automobiles used for the performance of ° official duties by dairy-farm inspectors at the rate of 7 cents per mile but not more than $840 per annum for each automobile; $2,800,000: