Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1043

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[69 Stat. XXI]
[69 Stat. XXI]




Concurrent Resolutions—Continued ^^^® Commodity Credit Corporation—Con. Congress—Continued Pakistan, appropriation for reimburseJoint meeting of two Houses B3 m e n t for transfer of wheat to 61 Prayer room for use of Members, Uniform allowances, funds available for_ 469 preparation and printing of reCommodity Creait Corporation Charter port on B22 Act, Amendments: President, joint meeting to receive Borrowing power 634 communications from B3 Release of innocent purchasers of conConstitution Week, authority to proverted goods 65 claim B24 Commodity Exchange Act: Deportation suspensions B5, B 3 3 Amendments— Saclo, Bernardino Canares, withdrawInvestigations, attendance of wital of suspension B9 nesses, production of evidence, District of Columbia police and firemen etc 160 salary increase, correction in enOnions, inclusion 375 rolled bill (S. 2428) B24 Registration fees for commission E d w a r d Douglass White statue, aumerchants and brokers 535 thority to place in r o t u n d a of Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 57 Capitol and hold ceremonies B5 Commodity Exchange Authority, appropriation for 57, 450 Foreign policy, administration to support other peoples in efforts to Commodity Stabilization Service, approachieve self-determination and priation for 57 independence B13 Communicable Diseases, appropriation " H o w Our Laws Are M a d e ", printing for prevention and suppression 404 of additional copies B4 Communications Commission, Federal, "Interlocking Subversion in Governappropriation for 32,201 m e n t Department s ", printing of Communism: additional copies of hearings B4 China, Congressional opposition to Juvenile delinquency, printing of addilinited Nations representation by tional copies of reports on s t u d y of _ B8 Communist regime 270, 290 Lee, Robert E., dedication of Custis-Lee C o m m u n i s t Control Act of 1954, amendmansion as memorial to. correction ment, three-year standard for conof enrolled bill (S. J. Res. 62) B9 sideration of p a s t affiliations of individuals conducting manageMassachusetts, Commonwealth of. Conm e n t of certain organizations 375 gressional felicitations on one hundred and seventy-fifth anMigrants to Western Hemisphere naniversary B24 tions, restriction on m u t u a l security Michigan State College. Congressional aid without security clearance 436 greetings on one h u n d r e d t h anCommunity Facilities Administration. See niversary B3 under Housing. Military research and development Componen t Parts, taxation 689 programs, organization and adminComptroller General. See General Accountistration of the, printing of addiing Office. tional copies of hearings B4 Concurrent Resolutions: Acadian bicentennial anniversary, ConMinardi, Giuseppe, correction of engressional greetings B22 rolled bill (S. 195) B9 North Atlantic T r e a t y Organization Alien sheepherders, correction of enParliamentary Conference, appointrolled bill (S. 633) Bl2 ment of Congressional delegates BIO Atomic Energy Commissioners, correction of enrolled bill (H. R. 7684)__ B36 " O u r American Government, W h a t Is Burley tobacco m a r k e t controls, reenIt? How Does I t Function?", revision and printing of B4 rollment of bill (S. J. Res. 60) B8 Career Compensation Act of 1949, "Our Capitol", printing of copies of B33 amendment, correction of enrolled Parking of passenger vehicles on Capitol bill (S. 804) BlO grounds B3 Congress— Peace, reaffirmation of American desire Adjournment B5 for, to United Nations representaAdjournment sine die B36 tives B9 Enrolled bills, etc., signing of, after P e r m a n e n t residence status, granting adjournment B36 of Bll, B13, B14, B25, B32