Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/110

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100 TREATY WITH THE PIANKESHAWS. 1805. Dona on Mount Dexter, in Pooshapukanuk, in the Chaktaw country, this sixteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the thirtieth. JAMES ROBERTSON, } C, . . sims DINSMOOR, ”""”'”""'“”· Great Medal Mingoes. Tooteehooma, rurshunnutac, *,{¤¤jhT¤¤¤¤¤&d Mingo Hoornastubbee, G;;;; 5;*2; » Pooshamattaha. Robert M,C,u;e’ 0/1;% and Warrtors. Tuskeamingo, Ookchummee, Hattukubbeehooluhta, Tuskiminbbee, Fishoommastubbee, James Perry, Anoguaiah, Levi Perry, Lewis Lucas, Isaac Perry, James Pitchlynn, William Turnbull, Panshee Eenanhla, John Carnes, Pansheehoomubbee. Wrrxnssas rnnsnzwr AT srexnm ann snanrxc :—Thomas Augustine Claiborne, Secretary to the Commission. John M·Kee. Samuel Mitchell, United States’ agent to the Chickasaws. William Colbert, of the Chickasaws. Lewis Ward. Charles Juzan. Garrud E. Nelson. David Chote. Nathaniel Folsom. Mdl. Mackey. Lewis Leflo. John Pitchlynn, United States’ Interpreter. Will. Tyrrell, Assistant Interpreter. To the Indian names are subjoined a mark and seal. A TREATY pwgo 1805, Between the United States 0 America and the Piankishaw tribe ._i_.._. · Proclamation, QfI7’tdl¢l7tS. May 23, 1807. Ratitied May Anrrrotns of a treaty made at Vincennes, in the Indiana territory, 22: 1801 between William Henry Harrison, governor of the said territory, superintendant of Indian affairs, and commissioner plenipotentiary of the United States, for concluding any treaty or treaties which may be found necessary with any of the Indian tribes north west of the Ohio, of the one part, and the chiefs and head men of the Piankishaw tribe, of the other part. gm,,,,, to ,,,6 Am-. I. The Piankishaw tribe cedes and relinquishes to the United United States. States for ever, all that tract of country (with the exception of the reservation hereinafter made) which lies between the YVabash and the tract ceded by the Kaskaskia tribe, in the year one thousand eight hundred and three, and south of a line to be drawn from the north west corner of the Vincennes tract, north seventy eight degrees west, until it intersects the boundary line which has heretofore separated the lands of the Piankeshaws from the said tract ceded by the Kaskaskia tribe. U_S_,,,k,, the l ART: II. The United States take the Piankishaw tribe under their Piankishaws immediate care and patronage, and will extend to them a protection as

  • h"" P"°‘ effectual as that which is enjoyed by the Kaskaskia tribe, and the Said

Piankishaw tribe will never commit any depredations or make war upon any of the other tribes without the consent of the United States.