Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/286

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276 TREATY WITH THE SIOUX, ETC. 1825. Sioux. Mush-Koas, or the elk of Fond du Lac. VVabasha, or the lea£ Nau·bun, Aqueeahiekupf Fond du Lec. Petette, Corbeau-little crow. Kau-ta-waubeta, or bro en toot of Sandy The Little, of the Wappitong tribe. .Lake. k Tartuuka-nasiah, Sussitong. Pugrsarngegen, or bro en arm of Sandy Sleepy Eyes, do. Lake. · I Two Faces, do. Kwee-weezaxslnsh, or Gross Guelle of French Crow, Wappecoeta. Sandy L¤k0· _ _ Kee-jee, do. Ba-ba-see-kem-dase, or curling hair of Tar-se-ga, do. Sandy Lake. _ Wa-ma-de-tun-ka, black dog. Paashmeep, or man shooting at the mark Wan-na-ta, Yancton-or he that charges of SMG? L§k°· on his enemies. Pu·ga-a-gtk, the little beef Leech Lake. Red Wing. 1I:i_ee-sg:-ker, 3: bpndidoeg firoizf) beard, K-k ·k au-rn or e . ru an. Sdn-or-r:; thb sixth. Uatgguér-allbee, of Mille- Lai. nk {L Pe-ni-si-on. u- u- is- oo. or erouc mg y 0 ae Eta-see-pa, Wabashas band. Courte Cnelle. I Wa-ka—u·hee, Sioux band——rising thunder. The §_€d Ecvglsgf T30 Couéte Crielle. Th L'ttl C , S t . he rac , o ac `ourte ne e. P0;-ha-p;, 1tl’l(ia:ia·wg?cdh§ong—or eagle N¤-bS¤_¤;:>¤¤» *h° m°'m°ld Lac C°\m° h ad. ne e. T8-k6•$VB-PB, WappItong.—9r medicine Pi-theick, the single man St. Croix, blanket. Pu·ir§a-nie-gk pr the hole on the day Te h- h'b , any ae. Ma2:.p::E;·;h,asj:esI:rvme white man, Moosero-mon-e, plenty of elk St. Croix Le-te·kar-munch, the budaloe man. band. _ Wa-sa-0-ta, Supetong—0r a great of hail. Nets-0-pe-ua, or two birds of Upper Red Oeyah-ko-ca, the crackling tract. Cedar Lake, Mak-to-wah-ke-ark, the bear. Shaata, the pelican of Leech Lake. mnebagoeal Che-eirrggguuet, the great cloud of Leech L°¤j*Il]at"°’*B*mb°’· I-au-ben-see, the little buck of Red Lake. Carxmme, the turtle that walks. K;,_wa_,_,,s, the tunic,. of Leech Luke_ D°‘°a"`i· M - -bo, th l d f L h Lak Wm-¤=-¤¤;¤¤· ·>* ¤¤=·k<·’¤ ¤¤¤¤- NZf.ZY.i.ick, u.e°a$.°L.°ZF Less; rmi..?` S°’s’·‘m*"m· Nee-si-day-sish, the sky of Red Lake. W“‘“°n‘°h°‘9“°» tm m°l`°h“m· Pee·chan-a-nim, striped feather of Sandy Chon-que-pa, or dog’s head. Lake: Cha-rat-chen, the_smoker. Wh·, D ·], f L h L k _ Ca-ri-ca-si-ca, he that kills the crow. Ks_};;]"::;,., 3,,,,,:;: La; 50,,,,,, O,;en,_ Watch-kaf»¤-que, the grand ¤¤\'t0¤· I.a¤.be.ence, little buck of Rice Lake. H°'w“'ml°k"*» um hm° db Ca-ba·ma·bee, the assembly of St. Croix. Mcnominica. N au·qua-nosh, the forward man Lake · · Flambeau. b{£.“I.°YQ€ZZfI1.`Z.`i°$1°r`YT.iZ°ZZLdr.r.. .a. Car-gjséjcgg that ¤¤**·~¤ bms ¤* wma. ° ·. . 0hm__0_m8_ On-qui-ess, the mink Lake Supenor. Ma_wcsh_¤ the lime wom Ke-we·ta·ke—pe, all round the sky. A-ya-pas-mis-ai, the thunder that turns. TM S°°°' Ou Cha—ne-pau, the riband. Ch b Ch gl;""' L,. , th, , ,,_ a oner, or am y. En.;;: gh, wo]; Shaw-fau-wick, the mink. Pape-at, the one just arrived. Polluwalomies. O-que-men-ee, the little chieil Ignace. chypawuyh Ke·0·kuk. . . . Ghe·chan·quese, the little crane. Shmgauba W’Oes1n—1st chief of the _ _ Chippewa nation, Saute St. Marie. TRW wa na-M6' the trad"` Gitspee, Jiauba-Sd chieil Soc:. Gitspee, Waiskee-or Le Bceuf of La Na-0-tuk, the stabbing chiefl I Pointe Lake Superior. Pish-ken-au-nee, all fish. Nam-a-boozho, of La Pomte Lake Supe· Pe·ke-nau-qua, or broken arm. r10r. Wan-cau·che, eagle nose. Monga, Zid or loo¤s’ foot of Fond du Quash-kaume, jumping ish. LM- Ochaach, the fisher. Weescoup, or more of Fond du Lec. Ke-o·kuck, the watchful fox.